the 'work of the participatmng agencies. It is antlounced that .the Wilmette Welfare board, the prefirred participant in the Chest f und, bas received ont- fourth of its budget allowance. plus 'ltbe $2,500 special allocation in whièh, other, charities dldnfot share. The ýeigbt otber sharing organizations,: whicb include Wilmette, Arden Shore association, Illi- nois Children's'Home and Aid society, Wilmnette Infant. Welf are, Amierican Red, Cross, Salvation Army,. Volunteers of America,, Boy cusadGirl Scouts, bave each ireceived'one-foûrtb of their budget allowance.. Tbebal-: ance due eacb will be paid iniÏômnthly instailments- as funds are available. Request Moathl1y Repoxts, Cognizance lias been taken of the fact that nian citizens desire informa- tion on wbat the varus chartable or- ganizations do for Wilmette people in return for thé money received through the Comnmunty Cbest,ý: It bas there-, fore been arranged thàt each organiza- ttoenshall render a monthly report to the Chest association, setting forth its activities in. the village, and stating, clearly what the money is spent for. These monthly reports will be publisbed as received, se that citizens may be fully informed as to where their money goes, and for wvhat purpose. reCognlzvuId4 atdmI.y ar ni CIAL Kai5aii able to make contributions, the f act remains, say those in charge, that a great many who stili are in position to help have notmade pledges. When these are received, as theywill eventually be, it is. added,. the budget will, be bal- anced. Encourages Camp Boys Ani indication of wbat some of these partidipating organizations are deing is contained in the following accounts. Pr: John t. imothy Stone, Pre$t-. dent of the Presbyterion theological .çeninary and pastor emeritwus01 the FolirthPresbvterian church of Chica go, ic, ll address the Witrnette Sundaylivening club on March 3.. liii subij.ect i «li be, "The Thrili of the Fture.>' "G old Clause" Wil Be Discussion at C. of C. Luncheon The regular monthly meeting of Wjtrnette Chamber of Commerce will be held in the dining room of the First Cnngregational cburch at 12, According to C. E. Clifton, Jr., the secretary' whose tones evidence a justifiable pride in the .programn ar- ranged for this meeting, local talent is te be called upon to impart in- formation to the membership on, a subject tbat bas occupied the national thought for many montbs past, and, which is even now .a question of discussion in aIl avenues of industrial and commercial activity. The speaker wîll be 1 F ewey Anderson, president dates are to De opp05CU. In tact the white dove of political peace seezus to have alighted in Wilmette, as well as in éther New, Trier township vil- lages, and 1935 bids fair to -stand forth as thefirst year in wbicb the harmony conventio In, or -non-partisan camcus, plan .of cbhoosing candidates for Village offices lias been accepted by, 100 per cent of the villages.. The concen sus among citizeêns, is. that theI plan sbould be givenaf airtrilin order that its value may be proved. Winnitka and Glencoe have passed final Miing, dates without appearance of opposition to non-political slates. ,ln Kenilworth there are no signs of a partisan ticket, thougbý two weeks stili rema in . in wbicb petitions may be filed. This also applies to Wil-. mette. Arrangements are now being made b)y the Platform1 committet of the Minmette Harmony convention 'for a meeting in which its candidates for Village 9res.l4.n.,ad board. of trustees will be invited to join.. This is for the purpose of working out a platform looking toward the con- tinuance of efficient Village goverfi- ment, which will also embody ideas which the candidates nuay present for improvement. Due to the fact that ternis of mnembers of the present board will aIl expire in April, candiates on the Harmonv convention ticket will be, routine ot Village aurais oiore raK- ing office. LODGE CARD PARTY Thé Good. Fellowsbip club of. A. T. Sherman, LodgeNo82, I. O. O. F., i giving a :ard party at the lodge hall, 1217 -Wilmette avenu e. this '(Thursday)' evenîng. 1After crds refreshments will be -serv ed. The public is invited. John Strachey, noted É n g 1i s h author and formecr member of the British parliament, will give the next in, the series of ktétures - spongored by the Forum council of the North Shore Congregational Israel in Glen- coe.* He will appear at the temple in Glencoe Tuesday evening, March,12. ".The Çoming Struggle forPower" will- be the' subject of- Mr. Strachey's lecture. It is also the. title of :bis recent book, which is generally re-- garded as an outstanding analysis b.f present-day 'life and Poitfics.. .Mr.:Stracbey isa -representative of one of England's mosxt prominent failies and is well known in Amerî.ca as, be bas nade several -visits:to this country for the purpose of studying American 11f e and :conditions. As a member, of parliament during ,the Ramsay MacDoàald Labor le adership, heý had unsurpassed opportunity for studying political conditions first band. He is weil lcnown throughoûtt Britain as. a ppwerful speaker and a, colorful personality. M.r. Stracbey now unakes bis residence in London and devôtes mos t of his time to writing. Hie contribuites to such leading Englisb periodicals as "The New Statesman" ".Week-tnd Review," "New Leader," and "DsIily Herald." Tickets for this lecture can now be obtained at tbe office of the temple, Lincoln and Vernon aventie,. on April lé witn an acicwvess Dyj Artbur HOllY COMPtOn, noted sicist. Mlethodist ClÈir to Preset iach Pro gram Marci A Bach program, in comn6 tion of the 25th anniversaty & urh.,i Tohirnn ebastian Bach, puy- in Ravinim Wednesdayigbt of last 1 week. It is tbrougb the. Red Cross that ti beach guards'are selected for the vari-C PHONE WILMETTE 4309) NOWI -ough tbe ý4'25eatls for the i Il fraction thereof.,