OIfrSTANDING VALUES WIL6rm. brck.h.w. ., 2-.. WII. 7 rm .brick ,ex..lav.., 011,lN. 10.. .8 WU. 1 vin.CoL. à bu., olL, nr. lake .$10O ILn.S8E.OMi., Eng. 2 bu,.h. w.. $95 11ake Ave.Willmette 771 _________________97LTPN4-lte FoR RENI'-FURNIUHUD HOUSES GLUJNVQNk--WHITJD COLONIAL. On 7 beàutlxul WOODED lot 99X190 ft., just te 3 Blocks to the GLENCOZ STATION. 5 bedrooms, 2 bathé;, large GLAZD oPORCH on the souti>, H. W. 01L heat, 2-car garage. .. 18... 000où 5 1 o PLRBjM> BOUSE FROM -APRIL 1 Nii lat Kenllworth, Neir achIs. and lake. 4 bdrmts., 3% batha& Ph. Kenliworth 502 after Sat. 98LTN438-îtc WANIUD O-yRENTi-HýUSs ATTENTIO:OWNERS W. have a waitlng lst of renters, for, Evanston and North Shore homes, for $50 and up. We wilI appreciate your listing. MHE]BILLS REALTY, Imc. 629 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON .G. il" Wiirnétte *3740 99L'rN43ltc HAVII JPIPLICAtIOZrSFO$HOUSES furi,. & unfurn.; al l 2 List your proPérty with us. Fred'k B. Thomnas & Co. M4 Em St,. Winetka 2850 9L43-1-tp WE HAVE A PNRSONAL PROSPECT highly responsible for 7 or 8 rin.. 2 batha, modern hae. Evanston or.North. WIII pay $100 to $1215. FULJNR & PICYKARD Greenleaf 7220 WINNETKA OR GLENCON. 6 TO 9 vin. houses for lmmed. or May 1 o.o- 2 ACRES STURDY ENGLISE homne, 6 very LGE.- roomu, 3. TILEND BATHS attached 2- caIr garage,, with PLANS Wo an addl- tionai WING., Loveiy GARýDeN and POLr ompeeytncdi ihorna- mental RN ECEajonng5<- RELTY C00é 111LTN43-ltc SALE OR RENT 896 FOREST ÂVU .W-!LMeTg Cholce Engliulh brick,'ail large rooms, modern ln appointinents anld perfec- tion as to condition. 3 master bdrms, a batbs map1Gs, ru> and bath, aI1 on 2nd floor. i3eautiful grounds, enclosed yard -wIth African fonce. The many special fMatures will please the niost discrimiat- lng. Sale price.$25,000. Long lease $ 11>. Cail Mrp. Mead for appoitinent. MHE BILLS REALTY, mnc. 629 Davis St. -Gre. 1166. Wil. 3740. 111LTN43-ltc kl.. .JUU5I 4Lo...... ]BRICK COLONIAL SECLE liubbard WoodsSection. 7 RE Heated Sun Parior. 2 Baths. Lav. Vapor 0-OÙIjeat. 2-Ci tached Garage.......... WHL E ANCODBRCK-O WHniTE PAINToE BRICK C 8ow- eràs. H. W. Heat. 2-car Garage. Near Skokle Country Club.. $17,60O THESE. AND MANY 'OTHE~R PROP- .erties for Sale and for Rent arc avail- able through our Photo-Tour. You Wiil like this Modern Method of selctl ng your future home. See how projection can aid You th your home, hunting prob. leins. PHONE FOR AN APPOINTMENT R. B. WHITAKER.CO. 1140 Center St. Wtnnietka 3250 Open .Week Days 9 to D. - 1ILTN43'-lic E'lÉ1f3h balk dm. %bths, h. W. heat, 2-car brick gar. Near tran P' andi 3chocls. 5 Yre. old. Rteduced sto $14,500. - EAST WILMETTE Red brick, 5 bdrms.. 3 baths, h. w. heat, 2-car brck gar.; lot 100x185. Our be8t Wilmette buy at $20,500. RENTAL $150 East Wiiniette Eglish brick, 5. Ibdrnti., 3 batiis, h. w. oil heat. 2-car att. gar. wlth Playroom above. Also for sale. Kenilworth Realty Co. ,17,000 686 Vernon Ave. Gleiloe 409 iUDIiD Rootti WANT, 6-8 BOOM HOUSE ON N4ORTH 13 E Shore, near sehîs., a.nd transp. Buyer .r %,t- 1can payY& to % cash.. .Wanner, 19 $000S. LaSalie L or phon. Keniiworth 5111. FOR SAL9-VACANT FORSALE CHOICE VACANT BUILDING SITE i Winnietka Manor, south of Skokle Sehool i Wnnetka, at unhear'l of sacrifice; $26 per f oot, alassess. paid ln fuil. Guar. TItie., . HILL AND STONE 543 Lincoin Ave. ~Winnetki: 1544 BLK. FROM SKOKJE GOLF CLUB, 62 ft. lot.' Street improvemenis paid for. Only $2,400. Less than haiT former price. Frederick A. Cooper 1505 Chicago Ave. Greenteaf 3030 114LTN4*1-1tc WlNNTKA-, 1WUeARD -)WOODS 1section deslrable building lot. 100x200 ln neighborhood of fine homes. Only $25.00 per foot for cash. Smith & Goss. Ph. Wlnnetka 3500. 114LTN43-lte WANTED TO SUT-VACANT WANTED-A LOT NOT LESS TRAN >75 ft. front-within 4 blocks of trans- portation-North Evanston, Wilmette or Keîilworth-not to exceed $5,000, have $1,000 cash. Write B3-112, Box 40, WiI- mette, 111. 115L43-ltp WANT TO 'Pfl a mv s "%y ]B H. BARNETT 52Center St. Winnetka 965 111LTN43-ltp SEE THNM FIR8T CALL US LA.TE.R *576 ECLM ST., WINNETKA 975 FORfflT AVE., GLENCONF uurus., 3 baths1, 2 extra tollet 'an-d-av. rms., 2-car att. gai,.; o»l ht. Greatly redued i price . for imipediate sait. Shown onlY by appointment. McGUIRE & ORR, INC~ EXCLUSIVE AGENTS, Over 40 Years Dependabie Service 530 Davis St. Greenleaf 10891 111LT1N43..ltc HINSUALE HOME Lewis T. Dodds 1700 WILLOW RD. Winnetka 1111 wilmette 507 124C.TN43-ltic ATT]ENTION WR- HAVE SPECIAL F'JNDS FOR two $3,000 and two $2,000 loan. for Imynediate commnitanent. Ses us at once * 548 Uncoln Ave. Wlnnetka 1544 111LTN43-lto REAL BAfflAI 8'room buiagaow, nea RIubbard Woods, i..CON u&ir~00. WINN. M11 111K/1N-ltp lot Agte ur4.1 and 5OI 10 01 bEjoat i 2u IBra»for Qulck palE -UPt Ialn o ,Wlmette, 11L r bquw a., also C '2155. riier 1 erice.: