Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Feb 1935, p. 52

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aiso, six grandcbildren. Mr. Iliii! had been a resident of Wilmette. for* more than tweuty-fiveý Years and hid been in the publishing> business in Chicago for nearly fifty years. He *was born, in Cincinnati but camne bere immediately after theé Chicago fire. At, one teM.11 *as a. trustee of the Wilmette Free Public library, president of the old Wilmette Meu's club,, and president of the board of trustees of the First Congregational churcb. enoIugKI, uiuvr books, jor those wno want to understand life and its values. One thing certain, books do make life more interestinig.. Ask' for these books 'at the library: FICTION Austin--King of thé Range. Berustelin-LAffalre Jones. Boyd-Drums. Dashlel-Edltor'sChoice. 1 Celly-gounding Harbors. Kendrake--Clew of the Forgàotten Mur- der~. Kittel-Via Mala. ?North-PIowIng on Sunday. $ackvll-West-The ,Dark Island. ThaYer-D)ead Storage. PILACTICAL BOOX$ Methoist inisers Thomas-What to Do about Your Inven- Wilsn-AGarden lu the House. to HoId Lent Retreat Sheton-How to Design Your Own, Methodist ministers of the Chicago nte]aml »oe ara'Ill hold'their a nual Ashi Wed- Lord-Budgeting Vour Income. nesday retreat Wednesday, March 6, Redgrove-Scent. in the Chicago temple. ANAM8EN Dr. John Thop5n , pastor of, th~e AR ANAUSEEN temple and superintendent of the Christie-Samplers and Stitches. Metbodist City Missionary society, londes--Color ln Everyday Rooms. will preside. The prograni will begin DorerMtetlso teAtîst. with devotions and a ten-minute ad- Chase-An Artlst Talks about Color.' dress by Bishop Ernest Lyn,» Wal- Cahll-Art ti America ln Modern dorf at 9:30 o'clock. Times- Best Fifty Currier and ives Litho- *The morning will be devoted to g'aPh hearng nd iscusio offourpaprs owes-Borderland of Music and Psy- hearng nd iscssio offou paers chology. on the Èeneral theme "Facing Our Bassuk-How to Present Gilbert and Lenten Task." This theme will be SuIlivan Operas. Bowers-Recreation for Girls and sub-divided as follows: "Our Mes- Women. sage," Prof. W. D. Schermerhorn, Calkins-Care and Feeding of Hobby Garrett Biblical Institute, 1Evarstoîî; Hors... «'Our Objective," "OiUr Motive,"»th Mitcheli-Creative Theatre. Rev. C. H. Newham .of La Grange; TRAVUL AND UJOGRAPIRT "The Source of our Power,"' the ReV. Connolly-Book of CGloucster Fisher- George H. Fowler of Oak Park. mtbsen pa Juuy From 12 to 1 o'clock the sacrament Aurousseau-Beyond the Pyrenees. of the Lord's Supper will be admini- Saxon-1ràbulous New Orleanis. sterd b th bihopassste bytheMirsky-To. the North ! steed y te bshp, ssitedby hePearson-American Diplomatie Garneý. district superintendents of metropoli- Powy»-Âý-utoblogr.aphy. tan Chicago. The Rev. Harlow V. Waldrnan-KI<ng, Quecu, Jack. HotwilI be organist for the musical Redlch-Eruperor Fraue Joseph o'f Austria. progam. Dr. Frank W. Barnum, Hanthawa %-Romance of the Amreian superintendent of the Çhicago South- Map.t cru district, is chairman of the pro- gram committele. FEED THAT HOBBY c Information on a variety of sub-t W'iII Eleet One Member ject to help in the ~care and feeding chow in particular as in- as the man of bhis nie This' sanie "hobbyist" also evinced an interest in the, art of Chinese rug wcaving-"ýto be able to -place. naine and translate the meaning of each' motive.* figure, fl owerand bird" af- forded ber great satisfaction. <Other curious interests revealed were fur collectinhg, memorizing num- bers on box cars, and Toby Jugs. CAMP FIRE NEWS1 The meeting of- the Junior Camp ]Fire Girls was held at the First Côn- gregational church,> Wilmiette, Feb- ruary 26. After a refreshing game of pie in the yard behind the church, we went in and held a very interesting period. Followiig _the secretary's and treasurer's report, roll caîl and business, our guardian read through a play, "Too Mariy Marys." We are Iooking around for a short play which we shall give soon. "Too Many Marys" is a comnedy in on e ac t, highly amiusing and f ull of action. The president adjourned the meeting at 5 :10 o'clock.-Valerie Adams. GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS Next week's guide-lecture tours for the general public at Field Museumn ,of Natural HistorywiIl begin with "Uses of Plant. Fibers' at 3 o'clock Monday, March 4. On other days ,at the same hour subjects will be: Tues- day, "Man'of the Stone Age"; Wed- nesday; "The Systematic Collection of Atinimas"; Thursday, a general tour, of anthropological, botanical, geological and zoological exhibits, and., -Egyptian, Exhibits." .Thesee torus, conducted by staff lecturers, are open to ail museum visitors with- out charge. Parties assemble inside the north entrance. A nanuscript day was held Tues- day morning this week, followed by a luncheon at which about one bundred and twenty-five members were pres- cnt.. Miss Josephine Blackstock of Oak Park, Mrs.. Frederick ýGrant. of Evanston, and* Mrs. E., W.. Stebbins read stories:- Kenneth Horan. (Mrs., Francis P. Horan of.:Evanston) read. a short magazine article; a humorous sketch w*ritten by Whitfield,,Hillyer of Evanstonwas read by Mrs. Leslie' Parker of Evanston; 'tvo, short sketches> were read by ,Mrs. A. S. Webbe of' Hubbard Woods; Edith Lovejoy Pierce (Mrs. E. B. Pierce of Highland Park) read a group of poems;: and Wanda Pickard (Mrs. William J. Pickard of Evanston) read -a chapter from, a novel. At the meeting last week, February 19, Dr. Morton Zabel, head of the English department at Loyola uni- versity and one of the editors of Poetry magazine, was the speaker. Aduit Educatio n Leader WiII Lecture at College Dorothy Canfield Fisher., president of the American ýAssocia tion, for Adult Education, is to give a lecture Wednesday evening, March 13, et 8:15 o'clock, in the auditorium of the National College of Education. The Parents.' council of the. Children's .school and the departmerit of Parent Education of the College are spon- soring the' address on "Our Re- sponsibility for the Quality of Huma n Life." Mrs. Fisher is a leader of. national and international fame in the field of adult education as well as in the world of letters. Many parents and teachers know ber through ber books S"'Understo.od Betsy," ",Mothers and Children," "As the T.,wig is Bent," "Self-Reliancre," "The Home-maker,". "iThe Deepeninig Streani" "The Brimming Cup," and "Why Stop Learninig," The lecturé is open tô aIl who may uriaay a'rcrnoon for reaaîngs, games,.'at the Wtlniette Public 'library some0Wot.--0 and refreshm ents'.i t r sn g d. c ro s sd l g-su r i g n o -h m 9 7 ho ineetn n uiu ieihs'Dick JOsli, 240 Essex road, Keuil- StuartHiinta m 1947 Tori- Mr. lytn ema, 16 eeh were revealed on people's special iu- Worth, who attends the University Wood aven'e so ot' n Mrs.ClatonSeaan,210 Bech-terests. An interesting account on of Michigan, gave a Sunday night combining business and pleasure, wood avenue, entertained infornially the. raising of Cnse hos rsuprFebruary 17, in honor of vi iting Mxc,,SnDeo o a snal rigelunhen ueda Peines ws ive b oe f heLarry Smith, an Alpha Delta fra- Angeles, and Oak!alnd, Calif., Pot- of lait week. ý:patron-s, wbo had the opportunity to ýternity brother. land, and Denver. ~ I i t 1. 'J j. f

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