The speaker at the Noonday Lenten servl4ces at the Ha.rris theater, 'Chicago, will be .Bishop Robert Spencer of Kansas ClIty, Mo. The dally meeting last from 12:10 to 12:30. Trhe speakerat the last -session of the season of the Wilmette Bunday Ev- enlng club, March 17, wlll be Princes Kropotkin, a direct descendent of the - late royal Russian dynasty,. She .'*Il speak'on pre-war Russia. Wilmette I3aptist Wilmette and Forest avenue. Rev. George D. Allison, pastor. Today (ThursdaY) we have the regu- lar meetings cf our Girl'Scouts, Junior choir and Seniorchoir. New candidates . 'for the choirs are asked -to begin today if they wlsh to participate ln the spécial mnusie of the Easter season.ý Regular sessions, ln ail dtepartinents, of the Chureh schaol will be held on S. unday. morning at 9 :30 o'clock, under Supt. Zeldon A. Parkhurst. New plans for the session are to be presented in several groups. In1 the rnornlng 7service at il o*clock, D)r. Allison continues the Biblijal sre that hasm aroused su niuch lnterest. Since the weekly readlng le in the Book of Deuteronomy, hie Interprets the book as a whoie under the theme "Holi'nes plus IIuimaneness." The Public WI nvited to these servives, as always. The Younig People's meeting at 6 p. ni. wil hfave an address by 'Mrs. McKlnney fy Witnhetka on 'Denmark and Sweden," * shiowlnig the wonderful way in whielh those, lands are adaptlng themnselves to the needs of their people. Parents and frieiîds of the B. Y. members are especi- -illy i nvited to attend. mWiner1, Who was boom in the province of Ontario, Canada, was 74 years old. Before coîning to Wilinette to live with bher son three and. a- half years qgo she had lived for many yéars in Chicago. B.]eside s the son in WiI- mette she is survived by another son, -William A. Stewart.of Winnetka, and by five grandchildren.. The funeral services were held last Friday after- noon, at the Graceland- cemetery chapel. REGISTERS GIRLS -FOR CAMP Mirs, . J. Nye Macalister, 918 Ash- land: avenue> who bas been registering girls for- the past three years for Camp Nagawicka at. Delafield,, Wis., is now registering Wilmiete and Kenilwor th g irls. This camp is af- llliated with St. john's Mil itary academy boys',camp. It lbas the en- tire' equipmfent* of the rnilitary academy at its disposaI. Howard Hindlev of Wilniette is registering the boys. M\rs. Henry Lustgarten, 230' Catalpa place. returned last Thursday from St. Luke's hospital. with ber infant- son, Henry, Jr., who was born on February 25. Tbe Lustgartens have, two daughters. Joyce, aged 4, and Diane, 3. 0o MIrs. Arthur Barrows, 123 Meirose avenue. Kenilworth. formerlv of Win- an airplane nîignt over the Northi Magnetic pole and portray the life of Eskimos of the Coppermine river region. Mr. Finnie livedi. wlth the Eskimos for thirteen months,. shar- ing their seal meat and blubber and sleeping with them in their igloos. Tbe pictures he shows give intimate glirnpses of the Eskimos' home life, their trekking with, dog.,sleds,, the building of. their bornes, and their fishing and dancing. Mr.Frank Gerould (Mary Taylor) of Summit, N. J., is staying with ber father, Henry Taylor,,Jr.-, 431 Essexi road, Kenilworth, wvhile Mrs.,Taylor is ini the Evaniston hospital recuper- ating from an operfion Marjorie Rennacker told of her hobby of writing stories. 'Nancy Ifauseman. played ber' cornet and Betty Hfall told what coins *she had. We also discussed- the grand coun- cil ire which, will be held in the Chi- cago Real. Estat eBoard -.building: Tickets, may be obtained front -Mar- jori .e Rennacker (telephone Wilmiette 385). Our new member drive certainly brought speedy results. Jeanne Stube, f rom Central schoýol carne to visit us, and we hope she enjoyed being there as'much as we did having ber. Aiter singing, we. adjourned the meting- Valerie Adami. Wee k Be Wise -Aikalize With Al1cq-Se-Ijger- This Week We're MOvýing (fvom 615 Davis Street) LYONI"& IIEALY . 543 Davis Street in Evmnston Next