by Oorothy Briggs Just Off the PPreâss Fundamentals ini music for children who; are flot juist begin- ners- lie between' the ýcovers of "4More Musical, Jingles" by Dor- otby Bell, Briggs of Kenilworth, which *s us off tbe press' With- originàality and imagination she, deirelos tbe lesson pattern it- self. She serves b ler twenty- three lessons on abook-platter gayly embellished with whim- sical jingles, with ber own. de- scriptive -music score, and. witb animated and expresive illus- trations by Le Roy Parker. Knowledge of child psychology is reflected in "Musical jingles." The çid, she knows. ,en$oys 4>iaig ivat h. findi attractive. By niaking lier book appealing to eye and car and imagina- tion, the lesson itseif lu absorbed witb- out its being too obvious. The dreaded duli U.xercise» iM avoided. A glinipse into the u)jgle Box," as the contents table'is Iiamned, is indica- tive of the work itself.. "Home froin School", naines the lesson for tempo, "Playing flreus," for modu- latiOU;, +he Train," crescendo and S.nefit Cal'holic Club "Mrs. Thomas P. Gibbons," the Woman's Catholic Club of Wilmetté announces, "is the charming, ener- getic chairmaP of the. ways and, means comniittee who. will have charge of, theI. dessert bridge to.- be given Tuesday, Match 19, at 1 o'clock, at Sbawnee Country* club. This, out- standing party wilI be the nin th of a series given throughout the year- most of them at the homnes of miem- bers of thewaysandmeans commit- "iMrs. Gibbons will continu ogv these prie at intervals through the coMing year. "This chairman b as been'active. for many- years in,,philatithr opic and cul- tural club work." t*ôme anGarden Club Has Program and'Tea The Kenilworth Horne and Garden club spent a deligbtful afternoon Monday 'of last weelc at the honme of Mrs. Herbert Lundahl, 224 Raleigh road, Kenilworth., Mrs. A. B. Spac1i and Mrs. Henry Taylor, jr., were co-hôstesses. Mrs. Alex Reichnan *Dorothy Bell Bniggs of Keèiil worth (Mrs. Harry D.) hai just had anoiher of her captftutimg Antssic bookes for chlWren, "Mor Musical Jies" for thle young mus# iau,,tiublisired. Mrs. Briggs zcrites batht score and verse, Be Benefited by Drame Recitol, Tea Mrs, john Nuzui. anid Mrs. Hugh. Be.rsie will. preside at a, tea and dramatic recital'Monday afternoon, March, 25,, at .2 qo'clock, at thé. home of the for- mier, 745 Michigan avenue, for the benefit of. the Wilm ette cen- ter ýof the -Infant Welfare so- ciety of Chicago. Some of the mnembers *'of 'the center will -Hope1.S um m ne r s'l. (Mrs. James Witherell of Wilmette) will give a, reading of "Dodsworîth,"I Sinclair Lewis' book dramnatized by' Sidney Howard. ,'"Dodsworth,;' which has liad a successÇul run of several years on Broadway with Walter Houston and Fay Bainter in its cast, is scbeduled to corne to Chicago in the near future.: Miss Summers bas served on the faculty of the school of speech of Northwestern. university as instructor in interpretation. She bas done soxue prof essional stage work, having had a season in a stock company on the wirst coast. She is now prograin chairman of the Evansýton Drama of Each year she. gives an eastern re- site citai. Sie 'bas directed and lias acted Pic-, with the North *Shore Theatre guild 1a -whicb played up and down the north ert. shore for a number of years. - Radio rry work in the west has been anothèr of ber drania activities. She was the, winner of the Éirst National Poetry Spealcing* contest and was awarded the, Sidney Lanier contest at -North- western university. Miss Summers, who is a member, 'o f Zeta Phi Rta, as is Mrs. Bersie, is I i maing this reading ber gâit to Ifn the interval;'pnn ing notes;-' The the tie "The Pt dotted elu4th-notes;, rhYthm; "The Flower M ton«s; "Little Star," rdent; gien by the North Shore Vassrcub Grey W- ednesday evening, Marcb 27, will wi-be a talk on ."Amnerican Samoa in the , rlght Souath Seau," by Commander C. tort- bbleu., landt Baughanan, intelligenice officer Top:" of the Nintb Naval district. Com- nbrella mander Baugliman was assistant: 'p-corm &t the governor and captain of the yard in nder," Samoa in 1929 and 1930. He has also pédal served in China. Santo TDemincn-i silt and..,Mir. POU' làai 09'0rgeof poil y Beta arein-of M. The anothers of Pi BtaPhi aei-who vited to have lunch with their datagl- bfrthd. ter$ Saturday, March 16, at 12.45, at mates the. chapter bouse, -M6 Emerson ciu Xa stret, E#tanston. in~ St. ottegala etets4 wette. itt anc 1»l club year. Sets W.dding Day Miss Ruth King, daughter of the W. J. Iings, 611 Forest avenue, who is teaching in Cleveland,' spent last week-end witb ber parents. 5he bas chosen April 16, for lier maàrriage to Malcoln, Dwight Cone of a'e-veland.