whicb 'has been launched onthe gion~ at the University~ of Chicago, north shore under auspices of will be the guest speaker. Profes- Sunday T.. sor Haydon is esteemed as one of the Chicago section, National the autlhorities of the countryr in the Mr. and >4rs. Knight Blanchard, Mrs. Percy Cutler, 20 Co~ci ofJeishWoen. fild f Ompraivereiginandbi 1015 Chestnut avenue , entertained avenue, Kenilworth, was on te noth'shore division is book, "The Quest of the Ages" is welI twenty-four guests for tea last Sun- hier luncheon. bridge club on the north n>wn as a vivid! interpretation o a~dy divided into captaincies in the vaiou ____of____________________________________________ villages the names-of many of the!I___________________________________________ captains annQuniced last week. "Coun- cil camp's job,"ý Mrs. Har ry.'A. Kahn of Glencoe, chairman, of the north shore drive, announces, 'is to provide: summer outings-for, health, recrea- tion, and education-for Je'wish moth- ers and children to whom the privilege of happy country experience would, otherwise be deniied. Each summer it is a vacation spo for nearly a thow- sand, sent to it by Chicago's clinics and social agencies. ,,Forty-five miles northwest of Chii-! cago, cose to the village of WVau- conda,, on six, acres of finely wèoo*ded lakeside land stand the green-roofed white cottages of the camp. There are a main building with dining hall and 'porche,.a 'ecreation hall, a latin- dry and bath building, fine family cottages, a nursery cottage with extra-C Jrtg wide porch, a dormitory for forty- eigbt girls, two counsellors' cottages, and various utility and play struc- e in tures. AIl buildings are equipped with plumbing, and ail guest cottages witl, screened porches. There is coinz' fortable accommodation for 160 guests in each group. The camp is the un- encumbered property of the Chic ago'QJ i, section, National Council of Jewish ve \omen, which 'Sponsors and con-' i e Openihg in 1900, the camnp began as a small vacation plan for workiing girls. This was continued for six in a wd eeto fsxyf yer.On recommendation of the n w d se cto oF ixyfv Jewisb Charities, the council altered its program,, and in 1906 boughit a patterns offering the ies't site in Western Springs for'mothers' n and children's vacation. There it servecl for sixteen years, off ering out- ta iina n oe ings t 500 each summer. In.'1922 iI d becarne necessary to move, the West- ern Springs property was sold, and the Wauconda camp-site was 'botaght.ae g s It bas since been carefully improve dein WOOdgtock hostess to lust ,mon- Mr. and Mrs. George Keehn of the Orrington hotel, formerly of Win- netka, entertained their Kenilvorth "bridge iclub at ditiner Tuesday. I à