Preparing for Diano Conceni The girls and boys in the eigbtt grades are making posters for a cos- turne concert to. be given by Lucia Diano on March 25 at 8 o'clock at thé Howard auditorium. Miss'Diano te a ýmember of the Chi- cago Civic Opera compeany. This con Iii the Interest !VC Class NOTES n th eStolp elghth grade literature havejuetfirnhedbooks, the 1C cdass is studying the t Ihv ut'Aihdreading "No- chapter wihich discusses how "To body's Girl,', written by Malot.1# ýh lI suggest, it as a good. story forDstgihCarcrsro Tye. everybody to read.. It iïs -about a 13 The class discussed examples of a r yerld gilnmdPrrnadhrcharacters and types without men- adetres -fe e mothe r and- tioning any narnes.> A character is a tfather die. person wh a orne outstanding, It ell ho sh lterfins ot tatcharacteristic, wb ether ýgood or, bad, '7 the.iman .at the head: of the factory that leaves an *ýimpression -on other, -ý whére she. works turns out to be ber persons. A type ise a person who Ïe blind p'randfather. not 'noticed very muûch and has ne. I enjoyed ibhis book more 'than any outstanding characteristics. other 1 have read this, year.-Eliza- When. thinking of a group, a per- beth Behies,.8th grade. son usually brings to',mmid the pic- ture of the characters, rather than There is a very interesting bok jn the types. Thisapplies very much 'to the Wilmette public library. Its story writing ,and te important in, the name is "A Boy's Life of Edison, by discussion of whe.ther or-flota tr Meado)w'coft. Part of 'it ie in bhis is good or bad.astr own words. In the chapter the 1C class je Another book of interest ie "The studying, there are two short stories. Italian Twins.." There are also a, The first is,~a section from the book., gÏeat m any goodi source 'books for "Les Miserables," by Victor Hugo. one to use when hie needs informa- Mis£- Chase, the literature teacher. tion. told the classe about parte of the story 0f ail the. things in the library which were left out in the chapter. though. I like beet the peace and The other story in the chapter ie comfort in whicb one can do bis "Friends in San Rosario,"ý by 0. homework.-Mary jane McCue, St. Henry. Francis' school. The class is enjoying this chapter Canibel Sho s H w xucb.-Gertrude Weinstock, - TTr~ame hiinin Give Illustrated Lecture Fr1 day The' membere cof Stolp school eighth grades, have received an invitation to go, to Howard , chool Friday, M arcb 15, to be guests at the, Howard a.s- This Lecture Wit Be Like Looking at the Stars 7'hrough a Tefescope. sembly where Dr. R. H. Baker >,ei going to take the> audience on a trip, ont into space. He will demonetrate his lecture with 8ides. The Stolp school pupils expect to leave their school at 2 o'clock. The speaker te a distinguished sci- entist. H stehead of the ni- cert te being given for the benefit of the children wbo cannot afford dental. work. Miss Diano, a niece of Mrs. Pearl Jones, Howard school's seventh and eighth grade anithmnetic teacher,- ie a very fine singer, and besides sing- ing with the Chicago Civic Opera, she bas sung in many operas ini Italy.- Beatrice Herrmann, Howard 8C. were very interesting and amusing. Mr. Campbell, talked wbile the, three reels were going. The pupils learned m any new and interesting facte and enjoyed Mr. Camnpbell's talk immense- ly.-Edith, Mendun, Stolp 1C. for the iN B oxLTh, in it. Th, le ot, te St<>'CW s h ad a f ewmich anges follows: Calvin Hill 'P Dr. JBaker studied in Anierican and European observatonies. Hie con~tri- butions to astronomny have been the, diecovery of double stars and stellar photography.-Dan Seiden, Stolp IB. Glass Finishes Studying Instruments oOrchestra The eighth grades of Stolp have been working on instruments of the Orchestra in Mrs. Clark's music clas since last September. They have. mthé al. BillDé 55s Davis s the social sci- ýer of the seventh grade.- Howard 7A. also on thse program,-'lý JHoffman,' Howard 8A. r. ized a nic Hooker,