LiaS. &Imm MwO Rua, CLEANINCS D>EPARTNENT. FRENCH'LICI< I8, D 1 A N A The Home of Pluto . o* rîng, LIEone who for -a long -pe L travrsed a. winding path forest or country~side ands tian I'redericl C arsten, of whose tal- ents and genius he had been comfpletely ignorant. As Mr. Carsten has been a resident here for* twevty-four years, the fault is the reporter's. With bis cultured. wife he lim~es niodestly in a modest.,bungalow at 2635 Kenilworth agvenue. Mr. Carsten is a wood scuiptor of rare talent, a profession requiring in- finite patience, fidelity tn detail and IftIN4iS, NOTEL. T. De TAGGARI, Prosidmit a natural musician. At the lof 17 he conceived and pr arrangement. by wlich he. age me.~ d. an, A true gentlemà'n and charming per- pla> sonality, Mr. Carsten takes great pleas- i rtz, is re- ber spring .* e r-