the flQrtn sho r e and bas been asso- 1 ciated with Braun Bros.. for several 1 years. HÏe is an aviator of repuâta- tiôn, being a. grad- Stan Lindstrom uate of tbe Parkes. Air college at East St. Louis, Ill., and is a licensed transport, pilot.'- He was the organizer 'of the Shore TownS Aviation club which meets each week at Winnetka Comimunity -House and provides instruction in aeronautics. Donald Cooke, 255S Kenilworth ave- nue, returned to Kenilworth Sunlday from Mercersburg,ý Pa., where he at- tends Xfercersburg academy, to spend bis spring vacation at home. Among the citations which com- prised the lesson-sermon was the' fol- lowing from the 'Bible: 'Honor the Lord wîth thy substance,' and with the first'-fruits' of aIl thine increase" (Proverbs 3:9). The lesson-sermüon also -included* the following passages f rom the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with, Key to the Scrip-, ,tures," 1by Mary Baker Eddy: -"The objects cognized by the physical senses haveflot the. reality of .suib- stance. They are only wbat morital ,belief calîs them. . That Whic material sense cals intangible, Ï5 found to be substance. Wbat to ma- terial sense seems substance, becomeés nothingnèss, as the sense-dream van- ishes and. reality appe.trs" (pp., 311- .312). DEt4TIST SETS MORE MILES TO THE GALLON WIwTHNw-VA* t0Dm!C «eIl as. cities, 1 on streets and rd. greatr .à Ways. Mrs. Edwin Hedrick, 304 Meirose avenue, Kenilworth , is hostess at luncheon today'to her bridge club. Save nme tell you boy ibis contéinuons pollicY Plan cuts insurance toite, about 40%. LegaI Reserve. Rated 'A-Plus-by Bflest's.. Coast. to Coast service. 'uiiorlz-d representation ahd service.- Tel. Çlencoee 246-HiRhkand Park 1478-beerfield aço. Your.:Kni ,tted SUi needs sýpecsal Care Even the best suits wiII sag or shrink when they are not prop- .erly cleaned and blocked. 'After you've spent hours and boums knitting yc>ur suit you want a perfect fit. We don't blame you. W. -block y@ur suit to exact meosuraeugntsl t-.. e,.. -Shouldeww' ? iuches Siceve width ? iuches, Armholes Bust ? inch"s Waist ? inches Blouse lengîh- ? inches: HIs ? jches Thighs ? inches ?in ? u tueut 1215 Wa.hingtou Aveuffl Il - Cogiter Street Wimmetla 1773 lac Wâmtte 3M