o * e MuIS Is oreol opportun Jty t. dlctloopory ot WEB ST-E R'S New Moder' English .The cutural advantages of a good up-to-date dictionaryr cmnnot be denied. Reully hit i a reservoir of knowledge . .. old and new. I has a definite-placeý in every home . . . office . . . and schoolroom., Most good dictionaries are costly. That's what inakes this offer &ô unusuaL. Even the publishers of this fine volume ... offered by Your Home Paper at an. unheard of low price . .. place a value of $4 on éeh. W.e onsciéntiosusly believe tbey cannot b. purchased elsewhere for lmu than $2! We really do not have <o mli <hem. Moert people take one look ad snap themup. 1 dO II Mrs. George Meyer of, Winnetka was elected secretary of the Wom- en's-National Aeronautical associa- tion at the monthly meeting of that organization last week at the Palmer House. Tht group elected Mrs. Schuyler:Terry of Chicago president. William Westlake of> the Chicago Herald* and Examiner gave a talk on a progiam to encourage* boys. and >oun g men. to take an interest in aviatioli. Meetings of the aeronauti- cal association are .,beld the, second Monday of each month at the Pal- mer House, -and any woman inter- ested- in flying is irivited to. attend, iis announced. Reports Fast.Time on Trip, to Detroit, Mich. Walter Piper of the 'Beards.ley and Piper Foundry IEquipment company reportecd last week after returning f rom Detroit that he had made the trip- tth Michigan metropolis. in fast time. He flew f rom PaI-Wau- kee airport, where be keeps bis plane, to Detroit in one bour and thirty- three minutes. *His time for the re- turn trip, was eigbt minutes slower, he said. Piper owns a Lockbeed Vega. They made thetrtip in the Stînson owned by Spiegel, wbo is an official of the Essaness Theater corporation. Tht plane is bangared at Curtiss airport. Watch Company Official Back from Florida Trip Loyd Laffin, Elgin Watch coin- pany official wbo keeps bis new Con- tiniental powered 4-place 'cabin Waco, resented among thet sportsman piots who fly at Curtiss' airpôrt. Among the -graduates and former students of eastern schools who tither fly their own ships at this airport or who rent planes there, are: Robert Henscben,. Harvard; Capt. G. Dean Owsley, who,-owns, a Stin- son and a Waco, -Princeton;. J. J. Shedd, an attorney who owns a Stin- son, Williams,' H. B. Wrig ht, en gin- eer associated with the Portlanid, Ce- ment association and owner of a Wright powered.Commandaire, Cor- nel; Truman. Metzell, connected with a retail shoe.concern in Chicago, Dartmoutb; E. Hall Taylor of the Taylor Forige 'and Foundry company, Yale; Harry W. Brown of the Amer- ican Weekly, owner of. a Stinson, Amherst, and E. S. Staples, secre- tary and service manager of, thte Chicago Aviation corporation, oper- ators of Curtiss airport, Brown. Duane Howard Is Both SPilot ancd Instructor Duane Howard, flying instructor, is keeping bis Aeronca at Sky Har- bor airport. Howard bas'eleven stu- dents now taking f lying lessons from him. He divides bis time between giving instruction and acting as pilot for C. J. John.son, Stars, Roebuck and company furniture buyer. John- son' 's Stinson is stored at -Sky Han- bor. Dance Maestro's Pla ne Gets 1935 Initiation Wayne King, dance. maestro, made bis first fight of 1935 in bis Stinson cabin plant on Saturclay, March 9. Ht took tht ship up again the following Tbursday. Busy with bis commercial. broadcasts and bis ballroom orchestra, work, King bas bad littie time in thet. last few months for fiying, ont of bis hobbies. Ht keeps bis plane at the Curtiss airport hangar. Hierbert Anderson, vice-presideri t fwas priaxzg uthe Kip. the Chicago Aviation corporation, ne- turned to Gurtiss airport last week FLIES TO LOUISVILLE from Little Rock, Ark. Ht had been Harry W. Brown of tht American on a plane tour of southern cities as Weekly left Curtiss, airport lt. pilot~~~ fo .FakWlim hmer- Thursday, inbis Stinson for Louis- man. ville, Kyý. Naine - Addr.,. State- q