Yes Spr g ie re .......... AUBBOIZ DUTIflCOOKIUSB A splhmdid vere. .............. LU . K BAIED LIMA SEIANS Prepsr.d witb mlt prk.... ..1... Moieday and Tuesday SI>ecials! ASBORID CUP. CAKESDO. 24 BOSTN CEAMPl£... 4 Bah. Shop-4týret Floor O. DqVls Sttrel Mm elle 1100. Variousl socia events arc taking plae on .t/se north shore thuJ mont/ as bete.fits for -Counhcil Camb for inot/er and, children, locrated near Wau- conda. 11M., w/sich is oned and operafed by the Chicago section, National Cou1ûi1 ril of .lewis?:e Wornep. The camnp- es loca.ted on six acres of fine ly tý'oodéd lakeside laîîd aiid contains à main building iwith dining /sall ani porches, a recreation hall, a laun;dr and bath building, nisse foenily cottages, a iruirsery cottage, a dormiîtory for 48. girls, tivo counsellors' cottages aymd vanus u *hiiv nud Mni, structures IMANY MEN SINO A NYMN 0F PRAISE FOR' A WINTER 0F HEALTH AND HAPPINESS *Lift your voices ins a spring song ail ye people wisé ones who. came, * through wintè'r warm, healthy and happy. For many people were cold snd ill * and cross. * Thse happy ones bad thse wisdous to depend on Murphy-Miles Fuel Oil and Service to bçat their a400ansd warmn their bodies. The foolish laid stake on a mo0tley * crowd of oil p!rveyojra who brought naught but dissatisfaction and illness. But Each summer Council ils -a vacation spot for nearly a thousand Jewish mothers and children sent tço k by the Chicago clinics and social agencies. .The campdales b ak te l1900 When 'it was established as a small vacation cen- ter for girls, Calis Attention to Vital Legislation. Mrs. Bernice T. Van-der Vries of Winnetka, representative i >n the gen- eral assemnbly from the 7th district, directs attention to three important events ofreÇ n Ieregular mlofthly- payznent to the cOmmon school fund of the amoun 1t due frona the general revenue fund' 1. Another is the action of the Judici-, ary committee in recommending for passage bis. presented by Represen- tatives Van der Vries and Brock- house, providing for service on juries by women. The School commission recently an- .offices,1 THE CHICAGO AREA and gates.. ian, Mts. Alfred HermaneKatz are- a I I SIX PLA NT$ fè*r*ý VIL -,on%