Icadchtteio iwelve gis tnroughout the United States. The amount Of the scholarship is $700 wbich' covers a period of two years. The tuition for the first year is paid. in. fuîl, wh'ile .$300 is given towards the second year. In the Chi- cago. area, last year. the s cholarship was, won by Miss, Ann Seidel of River Forest. Any girl attending private or public high school in, and around. Chicago is eligible for the scholarship. It is announced that this year's appl ications should be in by May, 15, or as, soon7 as. possible. The committee for the Chicago region is composed of 'Mrs.. Harry J. Dunbaugh of Hubbard Woods, chair- man; Mrs. Walter T. Fisher and ýMrsi. Heliger A. deWindt of Xii- netka,,and Miss Jane Cove and-Mrs. Ralph Crandall of Evanston. Mrs. Edward McDermott of Evanston is president of the Chicago club. Itajoan Group Gýîes« Dinner and Musical* Seventy members and guests of t he Circolo Italiano attended the dinner and musicale given last Tuesday at *the Georgian hotel. R. C. Sadler, tenor, gave two groups of songs by Monteverde, Caccini, and Ronchi- ani. He was accompanied' by Miss Rhea Sheter. Two other song groups were presented by Olga Trevisan, soprano, whose father is a member of the Chicago Grand Opera comn pany. Miss Trevisan included in ber program the aria, "Addio del Passa- do" from "Laý Traviata," by Verdi, and ran aria. from. "La Boheme,",.as* well as Italian songs by Tosci. At -the meeting of the Circolo on. March 19, at the home of Mrs. Domi- flic Pagliarulo in Wilmétte the noted tenor, Pietro Marchi of Winnetka, gave a splendid program o.f songs their guests wil be served afterwards. in the club dining-room. Mrs. Edward Scheiçlenhelm, ex-. president of the Wilmette Garden club and a director of the, North Shore Gardeni center, will speak. at the' Chîcago College club Wednesday morning, Marcb 27 on. "Landscaping. the Home Grounds." A large benefit card party with Mrs. .Herbert- Sanborn- in 'chargé* of the IV' new, * J. W. Dstesses lunch- at t eon. jg~THE S HOO! THAT PROTECS YOUR ON GROWING FEETI 1608» Chicago A-Àve., Evanston Cili WilIm.ft0SM fer a. Eutm.ct S Mami iSt..., ia. IE-M - *i - -- -- -- E rmF:>o rt s ivare.. Mr.. and Mrs. Edwin Knudtson, 1141 Chestnut avenue, spent the week-end in Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. Knudt- Scrn's father, K. S. Knudtson of Blair, Wis., left' Wednesday after a two months' 1 visit wi th themn.