ville. and otlier cousin. NILr,. A.-msoi * Sharpe. at V'ilIatnova. Pa. Mrn * Tavlor's nother. Irs. Wallace Sci reli of Evanston., kept Itoise durini lier absence. 1 SO Sherman Aveý. Uni 3444 Last Day (hrJ O"THE PAINTED VEILO Fr141.> OmIy, lMreli 22 @ACH ELOR 0Fj Tu. I rowto-Amitu LoouikcI Saurda y, Martch 2.1 Open 12 Noon! THÉ SILVER s4oety, Monday, mrpi, 2.2 "THE MIGHTY BARNUWM I'Ruly EduN Iy aeht. -p e-x* Open Dm17 t :3 Tims Lest D, anaU joJIII rimaay, a jpopjuia cinema star who bas a long rostrum record to his credit, are coming tô the Erlanger theater, Chicago, Monday evening, April 1, ini "Rain From Heaven," a Theater guild production that bas enjoyed a long- and. prosper- ous run a.tthe Golden theater iit 'New York. S. . Behrntan is the author, Philip M[oeller directed it and Lee Simon-ý son bas -provided the, elaborate'set- tings. The play is a comedy., dealiing, with the humorous sideê of" quaint no- tions tbat often become probleins In thé minds of the, populace. Matinees will be given ,Wednescday and Saturday. LOSE TO HAVEN4 lhie girls' Ibasket bal teani' of the. I Jseph. Sears . school. -Kenilworth, 1 l)ayed its anutal gaine *withi the H -aven sclîool of livanston iast week, and Hlaven W0.,1. 1 to 9. Thie Kenil- just weren't- hitting the basket, accord- ing to 'Miss El-,izalbeth Macauile, as- sistant director of physical education .at the Sears scbool. The joseph Sear*s- girls %vill mieet a team ôof Haven girls ini volleyball on Thursday, 'March 28. -WAITING FOR BINNIE Lniversal is bldl*ng up )production of "1ianîond Jint Brady" tuntil Binnie Barnes rettirti. to the United States to play the lead. The monment she JO'Y RAY RETURNING j oey Ra%-renxtentber hiim---is get- ting ntany pats oun the'back for the1 gtiod wvork be did ini the WVbeeIer, and WVooIsey picture. He bas just been siguted to dIo two -shorts for !R K BIUYS RIGHT TO PLAY Thie ights to "Tbree Meil-oil a H-orse," a New York stage play by bhordes of young meii who, fild wiffb hopes, and confidence, are poured forth froin colieges anid highi schooks everv vear, formns tihe theine of a, powerful dramia of life- todav in "Gentierntai Are Born," vhich will "bc the feature attraction at Winnetka Comntunity' theater Tuesday and Wednesday, March. 26'.and 27. First National bas providedian uni- usual cast of young film stars to pre- sent this' drama. Fraîîchot' Tone. wbo bias the leading role. is assistcd l)y M.Largaret ILîndsey%.,Jean Muir aînd Ani Dvorak. Ross,,Alexanider,, Nicik Forait and Robert Light, al leadiu-. juvénile , actors :of the Broadvay stage-. ntake thIeir filmn debuts in titis picture.. Ini reviewinwg.-Gentleman Are' Boeni," The «Motioni Picturé. Dailv says: 'It is a fine achiev.emeutt. As an indictment of' economic life that in- fia-tes vouth withi collegiate. ideas only to deflate it bv unplanned conditions, tii picture will htave a direct appeal ico ail casses- How a girl of the Indiatis swampil- lands overcante the obstacles that would have prevented ber from gain - ing an education, is the story unfold- ed In "A Girl of the Iimberlost,", Gene Stratton Porter's popular niovel, which coines to Community thleater Friday and Saturdav, Marcà 22 auid, 23. The girl in the tâtle role iýs pretty marian 'Marsh, while most of the Nugentt ande 4ý pas, baby star. i 1-'ernisfl,- IL NOT ALWAYS DELICATE .-Yoti'd biardly suspect the delicate, exotic Doleres Del Rio of bteing',a clodhopper atbeart," says Cal York in Phiotoplay, magazine. "Just the saine,"' Cal adds, "lier favorite rec- reation is wbat. she calîs 'w&rking the eari'" Ini the hbirk vard onflier It wvilI be "good politics" to take the whole fanîily tô see Will Rogers in bis nleuv picture, "The Cotu.nty Cliairmiani." at the Varsity theater this Friday. Saturdav and, Suîday. In ýthis George, Ade story., X ViII Rogers plays a lovable :but astuite rural politician. A.nd XVill r>uts plenty of spice into* the rote %witlî biS observations on -the grcat Aincrîca:: pastinte. Thle draina revolves aroun(l an1 election race for .,prosecttmg at- tornie%.,Wtth Will Iiniuîg Up his youuîg law partner. Kent Tavlor. aàgainst Berton .Chunrchillinii. one ot tho>-e:- niiud'-slinginig caml)aigyns. Mr. Churcb - ill also plays the fathfer uf [Evelvii Venablée wbom Ta lor loves. ba a situation fora oà ic. Louise Dresser, Franîk Mloîand Stépin Fetchit also fit admirably into the cast. Ann Hatrdinug Scores Hat Mionday and Tuesday at thec\'a r- sity provide plenty of entertainntent :i .itb "Biography of a Bachelor- 'Girl,". starrinlg Robert Montgomnery and .Xnn Harding-. Flav-ored witli plenity of c onte(ly. this pict ur e also bas a dramatic punch -' magazine editor Bob Montgonterv bates 't.he privileged, classestuatl lve liappeitî ' along and jolts binit iot so gently... This bright, sophisticated, pbotoplav presents Ann Harding at lier best once again ber alternately whimsical andç intensely sincere personality registers as, the portrait painter who causes ail the conflict between Rob- crt Montgomery, sensational maga - zinte e(litor; former sweetheart E ward L-verett Horton ..\vho aspires' to election to thle Senate. ýand publisher- politician Charles Riçliniati wbose. d aughter., Una Merkel. is to înarry Hoston. Sînlooth direction 'of, a 'good story. -plus capable characteriz-ations. ptU> this pictutre wet] up. on th e preferred list. Cases $1 .65 and Up BEN ERICKSON Wilmette 4092