Miss Diano Possesses a. striingly- attractive stage presence, a person- ality that etubraces her audience ini the varying interpretations of ber repertoire. Sound musicianship -a~ evidenced by Miss Djano's iinpeccablé vocal. technique and intelligent interu- pretations.'in a program which de- mianded contrasts. At alLtimles the artist was equal to the demand. wliether it, was brilliancy, quietness. intensity, or exquisite pianissimo. Bernice, Burgess, as accompanist and piano soloist, abiy contributeid her -share to the completeness' of..a Most satisfying'prograrn. The program wa.,s,,for the benefit of the 'dental clinie sponïsored by thIle Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher asso-, ciation. STEAK' TENDER, aulcy. SIRLOIN A mann's yva1 - irlinn qtp follow at the Fireside Inn. Thne' bride and bridegroom will go im- miediateiy into their apartment at [2828. Lunt avenue, RogersPark. ENTERTAINS SCHOÔL FRIENÜ Miss 'Jean Keith, 310 Warwick. road, Kenilworth, entertainied at tea Iast Sunday in honor of ber,,room- mate from the University of Colo- rado, Miss Barbara Blackman, of Littleton, Colo.. The girls- Were ýac- companied :to ýKeni lworth by Miss jKeith's brother, Harold, Who is a student at the sameé university. They ail returnied to their studies last Mon-. day. SALE! PORtTERHOUSE OR CLUB STEAK PiTTED OR UNPITTED, Dt.am.dm'y Dates PKG.'l CMPFIRE .1 ý 9 " GIELATIN DESSERTý SIXLAVO:R KG Sp wh. IXTRFLVRUIT6 ~2318 GENIERAL FOOD'S PoufToasle .;2 aile SUNNYFI ELD R.1I.qI Oatu 19 FORFRYNGAND BAKING PT., Weis onm Ou CAN qT. CAN, 49c Low Prices at A & PIM Our Own Tec %Le.19C SULTAN^ aoz9 ANN PAGE 58O 9 MITE H&USean 2-z, 13-EGG SIZE UÇ1CAKE. SULoeTANA * 3,TALL c 2CANS35 Sl7r- Sardnes 3 3 -Z.20C SULTANA MACARONI OR REC CROSS MACARONI OR Spaghett'i * BOz 6. E XCEL PURE PORK Sousage Meut B1 9C SWEETHEART o@p Flakes,* 3 .I9 Cofiee lm Chden a la Kinmg &trest for the *m*.r f- - Sbtlfia- e ven&md e>d CAN te piee yout taut.. 3 h Cou ame Sodchunsddeicius thet y.u'd tbiak It i-z wsêinprtdirc- CANS Vegetable S.up Cremm of Muah- 2 Srolqickem CANS Moake A&P M a r k e t s Tour Heud quarters for Fine Fis* s~~~~~~ B , eeeeeeeeZUNCIES PC Sale!: A&P Markets OfFer Wonderful Values In Quulity Meats SWIF T'S STAMPED 6 EEF Rib Roast 7f h .. * IL.21 Choice Culs, Lb. WHITE HOUSE MIN ý. . *ý