SALON PIeIds Evansfon Store A finiger wave, a shampoo and wave, a manicure-our serv- ice is so: cotinplete and Our operators so expert tbat your every beauty need can be at- tended with the utmost skcill., And don' f orget-we feature: the Agnes MacGregor Beauty Rest Cabinet exclusively. Third Floor MARSHIALL FIELD & COMPANY THE EVANSTON STORE W111 the summor vacation mean many sweets, foo many movies? Yoiu One of thie larges? and, titfs of 4iImetefine eim trtes WGas'sacrifieed in the interest 'of 'public u.fety Thurs-' day of Iast week. It stood at the' corner- of Witrntette an d Par~k avenuies, oit the' Iibrary grou.nds (le ft). This inonarch of vegetation rneisred 10 feet 3 inches in i r cinierenice. Promn grouind to the' lowvest branch the distance ivas 49 fet, and 6 inches. Like ial» v of ifs kind, it had beceone zeakcnied by decay, and presented a hazard to life that nof even its siipreinenajesty could jiutif y. And sa it ureît thc wa:v of ail material. thin g:. At the' right is skowiî. another grand old elrn, a atriarch of the' forest, p hotographer at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. lac qies W illi,, 1606 Forest avemue. Ifs ci;rciiifere)ice is 13 feet and 6 in ch<es. If is one 'of the' tallest spécimens ili the' village, and a.mong the zwidest ii s/read of branches. Mr. and' Mrs*. Gary Young are mnoving fromn Evaniston on April 6, to M 322 (,reenileaf avenue, Wilmiette. and PARTY Kenilworth Man Is ughter of M~r. Lrx, 522 Essex Head, Oheer Leader o teaches at Robert ,McNeil Blurns, 11, of 614 aintre Mass. Essex road, Kenilworth, a memnber IWheelock school, Miss Elizabeth jJack. ________ Mrs. Thompson Wakeley, 143 Ab- Iingdon avenue, Kenilworth, was host- ess last Monday to ber b.ridge club. oin to ,cheerleaclership for the school v ear 11935-'36 at a meeting of the cap:' tains and managers of the major sports an3d this year's head cheer leader. Burns bas been a memiber *of the cheering staff for tw,%o and a half years and, in addition to this work;ý has been an assistant manager in hockey. The trophy was awarded to him at the Michigan -Illinois bas- .ketball game, played in Ann Arbor. 1 want my child to have the advantteges of camp this summer. Please sond booklet and detaited informationr about Cam~p O-Ki-Hi.' Nare..e ........................... 1.......................... S r et . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ci ............... ....... ....... Telephone.............. I our Wil3dowsl V IEN JST IA N Complet, with worm gent tilti,, Bl L 1[ N Ilb C 00 device, autosuatie cord stop. Bas&- wood or cedar dae. 14 coler. te, 55 E WACER DIVE select from. lmportcd, EnelluL tape Plhone: C.ftlt. 34M in colora Io match. ORDRS TAKEN FOR IMMEDIATE OR FUTURE DELIVERY .1 What >will goal Ch Ildren de this sumsmer2 1 -