BRAND NEW AND A KNOCK-OUT >Nothilng like it ever seen before. .. no spinning of dial .nô throwig of die .,..the teams actually -play real football ... onoce you see this. game, you wlfotbhappy ýuntil you own one. Order your gameby mail today. Pr-ice five, dol- lars, tax inoluded. Money baçk -if dissati'sfied. THÉ BADGER- " OPANY, Winnetka, 111 . IFIELD'S IVANSTON STORIE presenta, byRCAý VICTORl 1,ata lied (Table suze. ent Terus May Se Arr.oeged. SPRING CLEANUP . .., Members of Ship Ouilmette de- voted last Friday evening to a "spring cleanup". of the ship yard, Main street'and Linden avenue. AIl boats in dry dock for winter overhauling were. mo ved. and the dry dock left shipshape. The Snipe "Nor'e,àster".will, be dry enough in two weeks to receive its new coat- of . paint.. Lumber, for a nwspar bas been ordered and work on theý construction -of. it, will begin at once. UNIFORMS... The first order of uniforms. for the ship ýwill be -here next week and it i hoped to have the majority ao the boys completely uniformed by April, 20, for the arjnual Wilmette BoyI Scout hobby show, to be staged at Stô1t dioo1on thàt dt The Sea Scouts have planned an extensive exhibit for the show and are trying bard for the award for "best exhibit" and for "best act of scoufifi-kIL Division Oficer D. E. Hall, -memn- ber of the hobby show committee, announced that tickets for the hobby show will be distributed next Monda-,, to each of the scout units participat- inLt. .Activities at Uamp Gail Breitbaupt, scoutmaster of Troop 40, Wauconda, and director of physical education in the Wauconda High school, will be in charge of the activities department of Camp Ma- Ka-Ja-Wan this summer. He studied, scoutmastership in college, majored in physical education and bas bad sev- eral years of experience ini teacbing. He. was scoutrnaster in Kansas City Troop 19, Winnetka, representing the North Shore Area council, won another first aid tournantent LFriday nigbt, March 22, when it outscored the representative team frorn the Northwest Suburban couiicil, and the teamn from the Evanston. council in the sectional first aid tournanient at joseph Sears school, Kenilworth. The first -aid tournament was. con- ducted to choose 'the teani which would compete in the. midwest toura- ment against teams from al over the middle west, on Friday night of this week at Bartleétt gymnasiumi at the University of Chicago. The Troop. 19 team won out Friday, March. 15, in 'the North; Shore Arqea council tournament and thereby earri- ed the right to 1compete for sectional honors. David Frankel, Jr., scoutmnaster of Troop 19, and C. A. Waite were the,, *rainerq', Members of the teami are John Iverson, càptain. Syd Craig, John Frankel, Bob Sauer. and Dick, Sauer. Best wishes. of the council and ail scouts and scouters go with Troop 19 when it comnpetes this Friday night ini the midwest tournament. Knoop and Clark Gain Rank of Eagle Scouts Two scouts of the North Shore Area council-Ebert Knoop of Troop 3, Wilmette; and Dick Clark of Troop 324, Highland Park-have recently acbieved the highest rank attainable in the scout prograrn, that of :Eagle Scout. This distinction means that they have worked continuously since becoming tenderfoot scouts and have progressed steadily. Scout. Knoop recently demonstrated his scout train- ing when he administered first aid to a woman who had been struck by au, automobile. The council and ail its mnembers congratulate these two- scouts on their fine records.. mine -witn omces iniVînnipeg. ine com.AflinA5 11 ieGaJ.iy noaJV letter. conveyed Mr. Roberts' best taking advantage of the wishes to scouting and to al bis which goes to the first friends on the'north -shore. regifter. Scouts tO