* plas to man paries.Samuel Bingbarn, jr., and Mrs. Betty Supper will be served aboard the Irwin Henry for co-chairmen with showboat, both in the Colonial room Mrs. H-. S. Vanderbie, Mrs. Cloud and in the Robert. E. Lee room, Wampler andi Mrs. John Newey as whc ill be completed, with colonial'as. tns -,vllpapers,. lights, and other decora- The music is to be furnished bv Lew tions, just inM time for'the benefit. per- Diamond and his orchestra anid the formance. Plans for the supper par- popular Alice Blue who charms :the ties and for other phases of the bene- people. coming to sing around her fit were discussed Monday, when the piano., members of,'the alliance held a gn The Highland Park-Ravinia center eral mteeting at the home ýof. Mrs. supports jonly, with the Wilmette Americus 'Callahan, 1325 Astor street, center, the Alice H. Wood. Station- at Chicago. Advertising space on the Nineteenth and North Halsted streets. dropcurainis eingsol bytheEach member does volunteer service, Juirtwo volunteers in attendance four preidet o th alianef davs each week in alternating inonths, auxiiar, Mr.. ranis MKena ~to assist the nurses ini weighing babies Chicgoformrl3of Eauson. and keeping thé clerical filesg odate. Mrs. Hubert Burnham of Evanston was the first- to takce a box. for. the benefit performance. Mrs, J. Paul Claytonl of Winnietka,, iI Gve Book-Review presidènt of the alliance, is the gen - eral chairman, aiid Mrs, 'W. M. Echols ' Morning otWoman'sClub of Evanston is ticket chairman. Miss Th et.\oidinriigbkr- Virginia Jeffreys of Highland Park Th- et odimoenwho e is handling ticket sales in her village \ oe otepbi ne pn and n Gence. ther inereted~ .sorship of the literature department of ticket sales- include Mrs. Randaîl theWcmiain's Club of Wilrnette occurs Poidexer nd rs.Cary Or o April 1. at 10 oclock. Mrs. George Piîmette. ndMrs .~ . Cary of I Iarhh will revievv "The Forty Days E-vanistoti. and M.\rs. W. F. Benoist of of Musa D)agh.," anid Miss Anne Whit- ýWînntka.mack will give a short,,talk on "Listen- XVinneta. . .no ta lGertrude S tepnA -Mr. G(.crze National Ccl.ge Plans Mothër's Day Program Plans for the annual Mothers' day at the National College oýf Education. to be observed this year on April 4. provide for a luncheon at Marienthal hall, music by the College orchestra, the presentation of Tarkington's "The Travelers" by the Dramatic club, and tea at Harrison hall. Invitations have. been sent to the mothers of aIl students from Miss Edna- Dean< Baker, President of the -College. and Miss Betty Law- D. Allison -is chairnian of the inorning pr ogrami. Book Review Changes Time for the next book review for the Wilmette center; Infant Welfare, has been chariged te, April 23,' at the home of Mrs. Roy Best. Mrs. 'Carl Johnsen will read, "Francis V' Evenng Bridge NMr. and Mrs. Frank Gu Greenwood avenue. will, 917 :i at As usual, Miss Weathered bas assembled for ber apring opening a grgeous collection of the distinctive styles that later wili become popular fashions.~ Suitz arc particularly important this aeaon, and the one illustrated is from a truly outstanding assemblage. The bat, wbicb matches the fabric of -the blouse, can be copied to order for the individual patron. Most of Miss WeatherecVs, bats are produced in this: manner. Tfhe: parade of new styles will start in. both shops tomorrow. fF EATURING STYLES BEFORE THEIR UNIVERSAL POPULARITY