Waslington home will benefit thereby, and the superintendent of the home which provides for. their care and training and development, Mrs. Wil- liam C. Post. wiIl corne to the Club to be the* luncheon hour. speaker, de- scribing her' activities and ex-, periences. Mrs., H.' A." Storms .1s chairman of work, Mrs. J. N. Macalister is luinch- eon chairman. The aIl-day sewin session is: open. to al. wonlen ýof the vil.lage. Cocktail Parties road, s. iBurt AncIer-l son guild Delta GamaeOfficers .New officers of, the Worth Shore Alutnnae association of. Delta Gamn- ma were electied last Monday and are as.ifollows: Mrs. Ralph E. Stoet- zel of Glencoe continues as président, her term flot as yet beinig up; Mrs. Wilfiamn Alderman: of Evanston was elected ývice-president.; Mrs. W. Stan- ley' Strong of. Evansto>n continues as Mr. and Mrs. Paul ,Clovis, 314 Ox- secrertary; Mvrs.. Norman, ingerle ford road, Keniilworth,-entertained atof ihan Pak ctnus s a cocktail party Friday preceding.the treasurer; Miss Mildred Moore of * Mexican Fiesta and dinner dance at Evanston is the' new editor of.*"The * th Kenlwoth cub.Anchora ;" and Mrs. Richard E.- 1Mr. and Mrs.JonW aly61 Welch of Glericoe is the new social Brier street, Kenilworth, entertained himn at a cocktail party Friday, afterWards taking their guests to the Mexica Fiesta and cinner dance at the Kenil- T neti .EO Worth club. Mrs. Oswald Mfaland, 514 Kenil- Worth avenue, Kenilworth, will enter- tain chapter C. R. of P. E. O. thisý Friday for tea. There will be a mu- Meeting o unha sical programi at which Miss Mary for unchon Cark wiîî give two groups of songs, *Fifty women -of Westmoreland and lier acconmpanist will play sever- Country club will meet for luncheon ai selectioils. This .vill beguest da', an(] cards this Friday at Shawnee. -at the meeting. Delta Gamma Inifiates North, shore girls who ýwere re- cently initiated into' Delta Gamma sorority at Northwestern university are Miss Jane Springer, Miss Mar- garet Harris, and Miss Jane Spin- ney of Wihtnette, and Miss. Ruth Coale and Miss Jean Mitthell of Wjneta Miss Esther Hoffman, 1635 Lak e avenue:, left Saturday for ,Bdston' where she Will spend about four months on business. ~ I -IWING MACHINE I Ail Nakes - Gla.m.tee4 thoroughly cleaned i your homie with. out :fuss, without bother. Cali foresthnsairs No. ebligai,. 3ErL~ 'tiÇds. Central Av-1.. AT TuIE ilil IN EVANSTON WOMEN'S SHOP Sz.froun 61 NORTH MIC Prou Pakbuf a, to 8 years .......... 915 to $17.75 WOOLENS AVENUE, CHICAGO pas Ohio Stadion &SONS Sherumaanoed Churc"-VANSTrON Wilmette 360