through the field with -the loss of but one gaine. This- was to Lindstrom, whom Moorer defeated ini the finals 21- 18, 22-20, 18-21, 21-17. Linclstrom gave Moorer a battie in every game, but the forehand smasbing of the latter proved decisive. Rodman, winner of the'Glen- coe tournament beld earliei in the seà- son, did flot ccmpete. Hapner,> an- other leading: player, was also unable to takè part.> Mvoorer bas beeà one -of tbe most consistent players of the local, club this year, having been runner-up i the twvo previotus tournanients. Although operating for only tbree nonths, the Glencoe Table, Tennis club reports a successful first season., Ap- proxiniately thirty niembers. enjoyed the superior playing :facilities, found inth club's- quarters :in the* Glenicoe Golf club.- Plans -for' next year ,include starting in October or Novemnber in- stead of- late in- the. season as this year. With theaddition of several tables it is expected that players fromi the en- tire north shore will be interested in membership, as few, if anyclubs in the Chicago district cati accomniodate as large a number of tables without sacrificing playing- area at the ends and .sides of the tables. YQUng1 Michael Milieut of 920 C2hestnut -aveyî«e, plans b .give more' Performances reminiscent of. Mr. G'andhi jusi as soon as'.tise weath man >rosmses no more. Mows or chilling breezes. Michael wQIl be tWO Years old corne the balmy day: Of- June. He ist the son of Mr. and Mrs. John. C. Milieu. HERE FROM CHINA lMr. and Mrs. Charles D. Culberî- son, and their daughters, Loraine and Ami of Shanghai, China arrived in the village yesterday to visit Mr. Culbertson's auint, Mrs. J. C.. Gapenj 1j5causeovçn curnuer ot tables and 919 Elmnwood aveniueé.Mran fs p fyn om h noe lbwll 'bc Culbertson are going to England on ideal fr 'team Matches, so that this1 business and will leave the children type. of play will probably be, prom- with their grandparents ini Stanley. inent in next year's activities. \Vis. until theyv return. Ai£ty ignus iUugiUgs were given te bomeless men. In addition, these men receivedtbousands cf garm ents, med- ical. service, free ýemployment, and mucli other pe rsonal. service. Ail of tbèse men perform some work in the industrial- program of the league. There are thirty.-eigbt different kflts of activities carried on by the institu- tion. A large. numiber of tbe men are college graduates and a- great many skilled workmnen and executives Mucb ýmore .work could bave been donieif there bad been more-waste. ginia, are ieaving today by3 motor for the east to visit the Ga#rI.1ds and their first baby. *Mrs. Harry Reno of Barrington, Ili., formerly of Wilmùette, was hostess. Wednesday at luncheon to ber bridge: club. Nortb floreAgent Stite FarniMuitual Auto Ia. Co. Hiave Me teli yon ,ho* this'continuons police plan cuts Insurance Costa :about '40%. flgl eservFe. Rated A-Plus W BêDet's.. Coast-to-C.iast: service. Authorlzed representatlon and service. Tel. Glencoe 246-Ht#lh1and Park 1ijfl-Derielîî aco. 4 C/ ord~al s gje s 0 te h eGr "-f ,for f ne of sprin 9 DRY' CLEANING phIone, Chiag'sand Northshore's Lorgest Cleumers