RTISE, I theluury of pletyofhowate only $1.50 down.. 48 months to pay small mon thly payments.. on your gas bill *What a conveni. ence it is to have pipi ng hot water at the, turn of a faxi- cet! How man1y: times during the, day you need hot water'for countless pur- poses in the blouse! Bathing, washing. dishes, deaning, first aid. .With automatic gas water heatdng you have an assured hot water supp1y yo are relieved of the bother of lighting the heater and waiting for the water' to heat every time you need it. Or of depending on fuirnace coils that are of IZE ou, Ralph Clarks, 620 Forest avenue, Who has beeft home for ber spring vaca- i tion from Monticello at Godfrey, Ill., will return to ber studies on April 1. e Miss Megowen, who bas operated a smart Evanston restaurant since -1927, will open the new Vera Me- gowen at 1637-39-41 Orrington ave- nue about Mafy 1. W1th a capacity o.d 700 diners, the new restaurant wil have a total of 12,500 square., feet,. 8,500 for dining purposes. The other '4,'000 will be devoted to auxiliary er- ices sncb' as, kitchens, storage space, etc.. Botb parties were represented in the transaction by Earle P. Pes 636. Churých streeti. Evanston. Openinà of the new restaurant wilI mark the peak of a successfully wom- an-owned, 1 operated and' managed, or- ganization. Miss Megowen,- before she cameto Evanston,. was natiïonally known as a food lecturer and. adver- tising expert, writing newsp)aper f eat- ure.,columns in: New York city. A, graduate of Columbia university, where sbe bas 'done. extensive post graduate work she' bas made a repu- tation in the north shore community for a distinctive cuisine wbich. Leat- ures milk-fed chickens from Iowa and an unusual array of fresh vege- tables. The Vera Megowen bas for y ears been the. rendezvous of iead- ing north. shore famiies. The new restaurant wilI occupy three stores witb .À frontage of ap- proximately 35 feet whjch inside broadens to 82 feet. The deptb is 110 feet. On tbe main floor there are 5,000 square feet. T1xffy-five hundred additional square, feet for. dining purposes are below the first level. The present Vera Megowen is lo- cated at 511 Davisstreet aiLd it will be closed when the new one is open- ed.. Like tbe new one, it bas large windows facing the street. Miss Megowen returned to Chi- cago thjs week from New York w*here sehe ad been to ,study new restaurant designs and modern equip-. ment. William H. Smytbe, Jr.,. 43 Kenil- worth avenue, who attends Purdue, returned last Saturday for his spring- vacation. His siste, Drothy, who is scbool . at Mount Carroll, !Il.,. is re- tumning Friday, Now J 4: