IEAURPARADE We avethem,'ail lined up, and ready cio-go . aâil of lhem right and:none of them ieft! Coats, frocks and swanky Spring.suits . every.oneofý them mardi rtight up in the front ranks of the Easter Parade. just wait tili you se o Cvstiuing swagger coats and aur sportsy models, and the smairt teiIQred types, ali of thern so very moderateIy, priced, as is this on~e, if ..... 69 Left: Our spiqýtl JuirMdesAboe: $¶ 's ar àI ai exuseAbove, 1eft: 'ou Cônset te oyuin prints s coloul , two-peesuit i a-fc-.n ti btoe o asbafôyu a jart s 'an -fl >foQiê 1, o' a-j es a .. o' 4Pkda. 09 Apparel $ho ps-Secoîad Foo~r WÏEIBOLDT SEVANSTON On Devis Stre îf EASTtR-SHOP WITH THfE CONVENIENT WIESOL.DT PLAN Wilunefte 1100 WILMEtTE LIFE.