Voters Meet for Luncheon Apr. 10 The> regular. meeting. of the, fWilmette League of Womeur Voters will be a luncheon'ses- sion at. the home. of Mrs, Earl *E. Graham, 2819 Iroquois road, Wednesday, Aliril 10. The pro-. gram wilI be given by the de- partentchairmenWho Will tak on their work, givigse cial eniphasis tu, current legisia-, dion. Mrs. E.1~. Grabam will speak on "International Coopration"; Mrs. J. . Kinnear, "Government ýand Child Welfare"; , Mrs. Murdo Ross, "Government and Economnic Wel- fare"; Mrs. S. D. Flinn, "Govern- 'menit and Education&'; Mrs. J. 'I. Màrshi, "Legal Status of Women"; Mrs., L. A. Bower, "Efficiency ini Government"; Mrs. C. P. Evans, "County Affairs» and Mrs. H. E. Ringholm, "Village Affairs." Reservatîons for luncheon may be * made before Moeday afternoon, by: calling Mrs. S. E. Wells at ber borne, *1508 Forest avenue. *The Wilmette League of Womenýý Voters submits the following comt- tuents of the Illinois: League on the proposed "rier" in the Agricultural Appropriation bill aivaiting considera- tion in the Senate. .pieo "Eternal vigilance is the pieo consmerprotection!," says Mrs. Maurice I'.ollak, chairman, depar.t-> * ment of government and economic welfare, Illinois League of Women Voters. Slipped into the Agricultural1 Appropriationf bill is an innocent ap-. pearing, but potentiallyr dangerous rider wbicb. would nullify muchof tbe effectiveness of the work of such consumer agencies as the Bureau of Home Economics. This appropria- The Federation of Clubs of the Tenth district, Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, meets with the Rogers Park Woman's :club Thurs- day, April 4, for its annual session.' Mrs. Mary A. Wall, general federa- tion director, -and Mrs. Willis J. Burgiss, executive secretary,. are to be the guests'of. honor., Mrs. 'Herbert V. Weed is district president. Pontiac Studio Miss: Ruth Margaret Stevens, a rneml'<r of thse active chapier of Kappa Delta 'sorority at North-. wvestern untiversity, is on thse com- mittee in charge of arrangements for the annel Kap~pa Delta dance to be hf Id April 6,,at the Vassar Kappa Deltas to Give Dance for Scholar-Ships The annual Kappa Delta subscrip- tion dance will be held Saturday evening, April. 6, at Vassar House in the Diana Court building, 540 North Michigan avenue, Chicago. The dance, which is sponsored by the junior .alumnae of the local chapter, is givenl each year for the purpose of increasý ing the sorority's scholarship fund. Members of the dance conmittee are *Miss Florence Verburg, Miss Heleni Dodze, Mrs. F. E. Grover, and A board meeting at 9:è30, the- dis- trict meetingf at 10, with it rep orts and routine business,1 precede the mnorning address of Prof. Harrison Dobbs of tbe University of Chicago, wbo. bas taken for his Éubject, "Safe- guarding tbe Rigbts of Children." After luncheon tbe afternoon ýses- sion opens at 1 :30. R. Fayerweatber Babcock wiIl talk on "The Place of the Poster in Art." Prize winning poems will be read, Mrs. Weed will award4 the prizes fer the poems and shortstory. Music, the report of the elections committee, and the presen- tation of, new officers will, end the day. K askaskia D. A. R. WilI Meef Tuesday The merpbers of Kaskaskia chapter, Daugh:ters of 'the Anierican Revolu- tion. will hear two speak ers at their iext meeting, Tuesday, -April 9. The meeting will be beld at the -Wôman's Athletic club, 626 North Michigan a venue, with )Mrs. Cochran Supplee as hostess. At IP O'clock Clifton Ut- ley will discuss "Current World Af-. fairs," and at, 12:30 lunceen will be served. The afternoon speaker. will be Mrs. 0. K. Thomson. At 1:30se will address the organization on tbe subject, -"The Adams Family." bnower INOOs t'iis for New Home of Timberine Ranch eastern Arizona bas been purchased> by Miss Emily Michener, directoi of the Timberline Ranch. for Girls Tô, this spot, this year, she"will. take the usual enthusiastic group >of girls whe wish to spend their nine weeks' va- cation on a real ranch in the land of round-ups, rodeos , Painted. Deserts, and Indian réservations. Miss Micb- ener, is having a large stone ranch. boüse buiît on-the new property, as welas a number of small stone ca- bins. A surprise ranch shower was given gunday night for -Miss, Michener at the home of Dr. and Mrs. I-arrv Mock. Mrs. C. F. Stewart'of Ev- anston and Mrs, John R. Cocbran of Winnetka poured. Among the other guests. present, were: From Wilmette and Kenilworth- Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Cutier and daughter, Jeanne, and Miss Hester Dillon. From Winnetka-Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Barber 'and daugbter, Mary Phyllis; Mr; and Mrs. Clark J. Law- rence and daugbter, Nancy Blaine; Mrs. Howard Ballinger and daughter, Barbara; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred V. Horsman and daugbter, Betty; Mrs. John R. Cocbran, and daughter, Mary Alice. From Glencoe-Mr. anid Mrs. John D. Galbraith and daughter, Louise. Froru Evanston-Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bauman and daugbter, Mary; Miss Hermona Clarke, Mrs. 'John Dolese, Mrs. C. F. Stewart and daugh- ter, Lois, and Mr. and -Mrg. John Weston. From Chicago - Mrs. Emnmons Blaline, Mr', and Mrs. Harry Pad- dock; 'and Miss Louise Anderson., Many of the parents and daugbters who could flot be present sent loveiy gifts also. A few out-of-town guests arrived,~ adding to the gala occasion. >d less con-'Ielln tgiuL. this is wbat "If the rider goes througb it would growers and mean a precedent for the control of diets for the government research by private in- s, coipr .ising terest," Mrs. Pollak concluqdes. dent; Vera Johnson, vice-presi4i Henry von'der Hoff, treasurer, Margaret M. Stafford, secretary. Gardon Club Tea Mrs. Harold McKenzie, 1168 Hamp- tondale road, Winnetka, was bostes at te.a Wednesday. to the Kenilworth Junior Garden club.