Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Apr 1935, p. 56

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Sheridan road, near North (now Elm- wood) avenue. The editor and publisher of this early publication was H. A, Eadie, who was. editorially importuning thé, Village board of that dayto construct a wýate* wor ks and. elec tric ight. plant. "$Why,"i léie aks, ."Shouid we contemplate niak- ing another contract with Evanston or W-inetlca when the nioney we woul pay either would build ' and .inaintain a. system of Our own ? Maay Immetilmg lite perusal oÈ the paper's four, pages reveals- many interesting. items of cur- rent news and events9 that will ,afford a glimpse into the community activities of 190., Churcli organitions were apparentiy on, a healthy basis, and tbe foundation for today's cultural life was being carefully, laid. 'Notmuch political news ýor comment, 1? aithougli the editor protests courage- ously against the election of a candidate wh Ile c~h onsidered incompetn--or wcôrse. The «Kiine Street" schooi, now the Howard school, was closed on account of a scarlet fever epidemic. h 8.iwxm T« Skuadi Officiais were having trouble in col- lecting taxes, the only difference be- tween then and now being the amounts involved. o> Mrs. Abigail Ambler, grandmother ofHubert Clarence Amblér, died at the latter's homie on Twelfth street, near Forest avenue. À hiorse belonging to Max Mueller became frightfned at a train and rai away, 'colidini with three vebicles and. damaging an organ. -Mr. Mueller was slighitly injured. Wilmette had a basebaîl team, l>ut it, was beaten by the "Cuyiers." Vox Poýpp.r Pp A controversy of. the building of sidewalks seemed to be raging. A Vox' Popper signing "himselif "Citi- zen," discusses the question. It seems that property owners who bad been assessed for board'walks, on one side e: i. eons 'andl enter- t )ng the route. 3 1was president p Village trustees 1 , Walter Para-. Dusàs toth wdbe r" éu mhésAs G Omd sMd WUmur KxmawmhA"i the T.méip a mi 'IwTek, in muhl. Vol. 1-No. 13 WiLMMBTTE, Hi-.. SIUPT. 15, 1900. 8 cents a Copye hmlle Amllem addates fied for a course of the auspceof thbeWoman'sClub> of Wilmette during tie fanI am ii winter. moutis by wef1lhnowa -peaker on topcs which wiil belj cf interest to ail. They *111 be i h eld in ether the Methodiet ori Congregatiotmal chures. 1The .1 course will lie froe to club ma. j course will be poid to the peaic publie for $1.00, end for any oneu lecture ut 25 cents each. The ladies believe that in piac.1 inÈ these lectures before the pub.v lic tlîev Are ofering A course which should receive their bearty i cooperation, ani tbey respect. 1s fully request that clies dates bce ..,..« for the occasion as their h 1tii fle5*fltg-dêi dý baJeaa uenat Ruhô f uir moey. when on retiiining abé found tht The foliowing is the program place in.laines. Doth building of speakers and their suljects: and contents weme hsured. *k(.rose. 9-.Tues4nla, Drinng, 8 p. m. ';0b D. G. A. Con,.l'i.. . W40M MERa»M UsciOoL icgjoi-* Songe PvuwplesoaIYidvil VuveopmuuîYThe, Kline Street scho<>l wns N)viosos L-Tuesday Evening. 8Sp. m. clouai this weekC by order of the PiOF. J. A. JAMEux if. 1). fBoard of Health, because of the S*iou"icAdeanrilIt. theiter of the Unitedi States," numerous Cases of scarlet hee 1)8esuodER 1 1-Tueslay Ei-ens .ng. M p. the village. Five cases have CO. PmiAN. SPAKER, been replortai, 50 far. as foilowa: é- C..«.Mary Dittanar, taken to the "br -Wh.t't dîlem hav & 6f County Hospital; Martha Cite. Teactre.leY, Catharine Schatz, Samuel JàxiAsv -Tuesday Eveniag. 85p. . nd 1I awrenoe Sexaijer. Ail PROJMOM TFT JamsReT1wFMLD. P. ). the case, with the exceptien Of the firt namned, are said! to he js'ces 2o-~Er.jv Bv a P. -"r. vegymld cases. At lagt reports Du. S C. UIlsosasD, . . t it .tpeWonman. Socity and thethe. antar child. was slowl*v Chnrch:'impro viig. ~rI&cn 1-TagdavEveainujri . m PROn.. C. Ti. AiWsu.. TAX SALES. Subre*.'Srutoeand Work of Leatve" Xi UCH20-I%'dnea,3 p m. Alil those who have not paid A. aj2-~<nG Av Sp . their general taxes for 1899 in .M. ,.Cu... s0a.a the town of New Trier ilifould do Sub.kct- Foundationugfor anBeducatd,,n 5 0 net later titan Mônday as the AIPUn. 0-Tumesday Evening. SiLm. tax sale will .reach property Dit. H. 1. FISE. there verv ueon. -Çnbec-Tn, be énnouneed liter Tht Wo-an'$ Guild of Saint New Trier and Eranston lodges Augustine%î Church wlll aneet atj cf0<<1Fdow wilI unite in vis. thethonte of Mm .T.. Bevan of ,g nvthe.,...Ioda.. fth~.-. 8ThteVlmettepir e a1rte wascalielmdy to put at fie t a bouseoceupid by Mr., Gotterdnm aMi faiyq Sheuildan rond nam. North à,, nue* _TheY r nddpro1npti 1but by the tii.. ttey had amyIn I on the omenthephmoe ad hum as far au the boement. G.c work ad be.done. however. resmuing the contentsofthebou hylir. Gottendam, Oflicer SeRt. --bd othersand vrythiug , savai witb theraceptio Of mwu clotes and a couple of he which viem upftairs, and a bas ment fullocfpop, ginger aie, roc beer and ether ,refreineibp whýich need not be mentioned. The fire i. thought to hav started by the overheatingof th flove. Mm-. Gotterdani uide), badhuiIt a ire in the stove at Iad goout in the yard. Sb ýr, barber; ;M. Meyer, r J. W.,j aSon contractor inuehika, coal; eT'. PL ru Lq u ul ee" ta e ,NC O E O but LN 1UsACOU5 a a Dthe initial n unaber of Tlima où NOMM fSUes. Rascounwestated "*- t tpaper.wobd be no -partisan HVe F!Où Soked »,a to naional politice. re@ereinga ie the > ight to deal w th ýcouty, ti townhp aMW village AEàirs .di: RHuaté& oia od retiy eetingthmilt itsaof I in, our North Shorre sideteta me We> have no apolo gy to ofier A C mtC ur( wfor' the followung artile, as Ceta fiha.s b e . preparedb y a e p rt neI i correctih evelypatZlard 61s West Raliroad.Av. dinonly a simple coue taken (rom OW oq."' N-the records cf Cook conuty, Ilii. ot shOwig how West Chlicago uim. ýt proved real estate has be. as- A.ConUu sessed beretofore by ~E yn Ve Who is ow a candidate for the Grocries that impure e ýB ard Of A ssessoris (fivc in nu in. and prom nte h alIth. and pries ~ br fr fe etir cofit wh ~and quality that meateconcmv ek ected wil P u aontheioess a àment f ail our Nor th Shore pvopety.FRANKC smirti, ie The pu ro f this article wilI 9 not have Iieen accomplishe.J if it does fot prove conclusivey the G u«ele, Q .andm obse grosa unfitness Of'the man for W.eRldAv.WINI the position bc aspires to. It is TEL. le net prepared hn the sPirit of par. s tisaship in the liglatest degree. J , S E F N eAnd should this artidemet the -S S E F N e eye of Mr. Ryan or any cf hlm DEALER IN rfrid Who think we have donc I uaunc CIhm an injustice by taking thIs iflLE>U, SALTg-P VIII VUD' * aolated case there are a large M A~ *number of others of a similar M A S »nature which cain readily bé 1 ooked up. Tht property seletd iAsk for Tmain; tms ,tu show the kind of assesmet r made by, Mr. Ryan is deucbed WRliltuidv.aOp>.De.oe. afoloura. viz: TE L. 3 . W * E 1 s u 6 laî g 1 to 1 9 ( incI te i e . subdivsion aOf lti 17 t a 32 j in ellock -17 igv Nàftmr's division of E.%,4. W A ,E V 4Of S«. 1, T. 39N. I. 14 P..hing *West fronts un Marshijed avenue Ton,. nsg fron, west Taylor 'strit 397% lRt. ub lot I be .,1 t hte re l t y a d a d n lot on wIh ibte ifinew"k '(ýr t tore, buildn the *iW iv sadb. i lUnnnwasouh in-rd".r613 Wi 5t lquiliond Aveç)Ue, Trhefe sub-1ot@ were fiest as- Beaed as "improvd" i the year F inet. 1876. Sub.ota 2 te 19 arc Silt TE . upoh as a Soid block cf two- atoty and baisement brick dwel. . J. BEVAN ,ings of ulifOrn style and appear- ance, tht cornier running around Painter and' Decorator - -. ...ic so.aieLy. Ir Ms Miss Eleanor MouIding, 1025 Elm- r; Ms.Peréy Cutier, 207 Woodstock wôod avenue, a sophomore at Carie- ndavenue, Kenilworth was llostess at a ton coilege,,is returnîng April 12, for hnbridge foursomne Tuesrlay. ber spring vacation. A

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