Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Apr 1935, p. 64

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Pramne Colonial, 5 bedmms., 2 baths, peui., 7 rn. trame. 3 bedrms, close te. lake. .850 6 ru», brick cottage and porch ..$85 7 ru». Engliah Colonial, 4 bedrms., 2 bath; ol, gar. ait.3 close te Scbools and Transportation 8 ru». brick, 4 bedrims., llbr'y and cil. $85 7 rmi. 4 bednins., 2%. bathu, sun and nl1pg. pcb., oil, gar. att., fenced yd.. $126. Highland Park *lth beach rights -6 bedrme.. 4 bathe, library. 4 firegplaces. 2 ecretion rnis., gar. att. . 8&j CALL US ,FOR DETAILS On many other bouse rentais on the North Shore 97LTN48-lte SELECTION BEST VALUES, OUR ENTIRE LIST 12.rnis., 4 bu., oil, Ige. lot, nr. lake. .275 .14 nu»., 4 bu., rec. nm., Ige. lot, eagt. 215 9 rmu., 3 bu., al ppc.,,mcd., un.lake 150 7 rnis. 2 ba., oih1 nr. lakre, st'iy îinod. 125 7 numa.. 2 bu., ex. t.&l., 2 ppha., east 105 4 rnis.,> 1 b., ex. t.l., ex. toc mod. 95 7 rzn., 1 b.,. sluwr., mod,, Ige, liv. n.: 80 6 rnis, 2 bu., sun pcb., H.W.H., 2 C.g. 75 7 nis.. 2 b&., scn. pcb., nr. tnansp...6 7 ripa., 1 b.. H.W.H.. 2 c. gi nr. ti'anu. 50 5 rnis,, 1 b., H.A.H. <bungalow> .... 50 4 rnu., 1 b., luttfir. Duplex, btd.46 Other good values, furn. or unturn.,al B. H. BARNtJTT 5S26 Conter St. Wlnnetlca 965 97LTN48ltp GOOD HOMES A VARIETY OP GOOD HOMES RANG- lng frein one of 8 rms. and 2 bath, near the "L" ln Wilmette at $60 per menth te others cf varieus size, price and location. We will be glad te tell you about theni and help you select one to fit your needs and pocketbook. R. M. JOHNSTrON & CO. 340 Linden Avenue Wllnitte 44 97LTN48-ltc WINNeqTKA--$100 MO. MODERN FRENCH BRICK IN GOOD location. 3 bednins., 2 colored tule baths. 101, heat. 2-car. brick gar:age. Stove. Xlectrie refrigerator.> BAUMANN-COOK REAL ESTATE SERVICE 53Lincoln, Ave. 'Winnetka 34501 97LTN48-ltc .Last Minute Bargains TROM 850 TO $200. FROM WINNETKA to Highland Park. 6ANN MORELAND 63Vernon Ave. Glencee 305 9TLTN4-ltc Charming -9 rmL, 3 bath home,» well' landsaped, choice location. $175. GLEINCOE-RIGHLAND PARK fleaut. Englisb Brîic, 6 rnis., bath, sun rn., large lot. 865. Spanish Architecture, -10 rnis., 3 baths, studio living rn., larg;e lot. Engllsb brick'home ln finie location, 6 bedrmu., 4 batbsï,.oil heat. 10 MANY MORE ALL SIZES & PRICES BAIRD & WARNER. fix a *VIrsSriT, EVANSTON -. Grez4eaf 18655ý Hollycourt 18L. 538 PARK DRIVE, KENILWORTH. Keniwortb ,4715..ý . Rotgers Park"1151 S346 PARK AVENUe~ GLENCOB Giencoo 1564 Blrgie185.5 CURRENT RENTALS 6 rn. brick bungalow, alp. pch.. .875 Fr. Colonial, .3 bedrmns., ohl ht.. .. 885 Brick, 3 bèdrms., 2 bath,%...... .8$110 WILMETTE, Stucco, 3 bedrms, 2 pchs. - .... $70 Stnco 5 bedrmi., -2%, baths . : 105 Brick, 6 bedrnis, 3 be., fac. lake .8200 GLENCOE Mod. brick, 4 bednns., à bathu .8125 IIUàA~ND p41UIC 1. Mod. atone, 5 bedrms., 3 baths. $150 THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 DAVIS ST., EVANStON Gre. 11U6%vil. "740 97LrN4S-Ice Good Rentai bedrms., 2 baths, attached gar., o11 heat. $75. Brick Colonial-4 bedrnis., 1 bath, book rim., 2-<car garage, ohl heat. $85. 9 in. house-2. porches, 5 bedrmns., 2 baths, lav., den. $115. White Colonial-7 bedrmi., 3 batha, play rmn. Fig., steve, oil beat. $176. Frances J. Winscott 902 Spruce St. Winnetka 1267 97LTN48-1te 'FOR RENT IN EAST KENI LWORTH A COMFORTABLE HOME - 6 RMS., 1% baths, 011 heat, electmic re'fmig.. Newly decorated. at $656nionth. We have 25 other anial homes for rent. KENILWORTH REALTY, Phone Wlmette 966 FOR OAL-Ie@UBE BAIRD & WTARNER, PREFERRED PROPERTY IBrTINGS NORTH SHOREC PINE HOMES EVANSTON Beaut. French Colonial, 6 bedrims., 4 batbs. Priced to seli. -Mr. R. H. Jîrhnson. WILMETTE Artistie English 7 rnis., 2 baths. Bargaiîn. Mr.. Byron Smith. KENILWORTR Very attr. 9 . m&, 4 .baths. 'Real opportunity. Miss Cronk.. Very charming home, 12 rnis. , ~bths. Price in keeping with todays nmar- ket.. Mr.. Thonipson. GLENCOE Brick home with style, di'gnity'and refinemenit.: 12 rnis., 4. baths; Priced right. Owner will exehange for smaller. Mrs.- Matthews. HIGHLAND PARK* Smafl estate. 12 rmis., 4 baths, 2 acres. Must, liquidate. Mr. Rem-,j Ington. ALSO MANY OTHERS, ALL SIZES AND PRICES. SEE UNDER HOU8Es PFOR RENT. BA~IRD& *WARNE~R 522 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON Greenfleaf 1855 . Hollycotart 1855 523 PARK DRIVE, KENILWORTH Kenil worth 4785 Rogers Park 6151 346 PARk AVENUE, GLENCOE Glencoe 1554 Briargate 18551 11ILTN48-1tcý SOUND NVALUIES .14 rnis., 3 bs., riparian, private beach, 2 acres, 3-c, g.. (liv. quarters) . $70,000 Il rnis., 4bs,, 3-c, g. (liv. quarters>, 4 acres, n', lake, ohl, ex. loc. _.. 65,000 14 rnis., 3% bs., nr. lake, Ige. lot, slp. pch., rec. rn., Ige. pch;... ý... ....$40,000 9 rms;, 3 bs. ail, Ig'e. rnis., oil, east, Ige. lot, strictly niÔ<L, 7 yrs. oId, about %k original. cost. .- ......... ý.$32,000 là rnis;, 3 bs., sun pch., slp. pch., 2-c.g.,, 011 oh, et, Ige. lot, excellent val $22,000 7 rms., 2% bs., Ige. lot, east, barg. $15,000 6, rnis., .1 b., sun pch., slp. pch., 2-c, g., Ige. lot, east, excellent value. . $12,000 6 rnis,.,1 b., 1-c, g., 1-. W. .H., east, easy terrnis.... .................... $9,5.00 5 rnis., very Ige. liv. rn., 1/ acre, land- scaped, good loc., $1,500 down pay- nient, balance H. 0. L. C. loan, only $42.19 ,per nionth, taxes $60, small a- seserments............$7,000 7Z rnis,, 1 b., H. . H., 2-c. g., reduced 1to..... ý.............. >ý....... 8 6,500 7 rnis., 1 b., ex. T.&L., good loc., bargâin for reniodeling, very. low down pay- *nient, sinall nionthly paynients $5,250 Otlier good values, ail aizes, 'vacant or improved. We neyer MAR the connu- nitesq with'sgtwns Charming WHITE Dutch COLONIAL, five blocks to SCHOOL and STATION. Large living room with fIreplace, heated sun room, four SUNNY CORNER. bcd- recuins. A:ýÙTACHEDg-ear gar-.. .12,500. 9ENGLISH BRICK IM HUBBARD WOODS, four bedrooms, two TILE, bathe, breakfast ncck, tollet and lava-, tory. Hot Water cil heat, two-car garage. Ownem Baya sell ............... buu 769 GREENWOOD AVE., -GLNCNCOE WHITE COLONIAL, on WOODEIb lot, 99Î190 feet, threblocke ite GLEXCOEý STATION; live bedmoonis two batha, large PORCH te soutb, flrot Watêm cil heîat, two-car garage.........81,0 Beautiful ENGLISH BRICKC with teen SPACIOUS ROOMS ln lovely WOOD- M~D location; very large living rooin with fi 'place; aIse WALNUT PAN- ELED LIBRARY. - Six fine bedrooma,, tour TILED BATHS; also. RECRUIA-, TION ROGM -wlth 4lveplace. Met Wter oil hi., 2-car attached gar.. .200 per mc. * CUSÂCK 111LTN48-ltc FIRS'TTIME OFFERED W 1INNETKA HOME BEAUTIPUJA BICKCRESJflENCE, slate roof, inl fine condition -only 9 years old; large lot; wonderful location. Large living-roomi, libramy, dining-rooni, breakfast rodm, fine kitchen and butler'a pan1try.- 4 fine faniily bedroonis, 2 fine tiled bathroonis, 2 niaids' rooms with bath; oul heat; 2-car heated garage. Priced right for ininiediate sale. McGUIRE. & ORR, Ie., Exclusive &gents. Ovej 40 Years Of Dependable Service 530 Davis St., Evanstori Gre. 1080 316 Park Ave., Glencoe' Glen. 13 THE BEST Ave. PhoneWimette 1382. 97L TO SUBLET - ýHAJAF OF1 1bouse, 6 uns., turnished or unt 1721 L4ke Ave. Ph. Wilnietteà 97L kiigftway.. ltp ~

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