5ROOM ENGLISH BRICK. 2 BEI)- rooms, 1 bath. $ 9,000 WINNETKA EAST 3 BEDROOMS. OIL HEAT. Close té transportation andi schoole. Good size lot. $.... 12000 7,ROOM BRICK. 4 -BED)ROOMS, 2. baths. 011 heat. 2-car itttached garage........... ..... $18.000 G L.ENCOE à BEDROOM COLONIAL. 2 I3ATHS. H. W. oil heat.- Convenient to trans- portation. acre gorunid., Close te lake. ..8.. 119O0 GEORIANCOLONIAL. .6 BEI)- roomns. 4 baths_ Wooded and ncl iandscapied. Walking distance to transp.-Will cxchange......$75,000 M IGHL.AND PARK FRENCH BRICK. 4 BEDIIOOMS. 3 baths. Automatic heat. % acre wooded.site. Close te*- lake., $20.000 L.AKE FOR.EST FORMAL FRENCH. 3 MASTER, 2 servant bedrooms. 3 baths. Wel landscaped. Naturai setting. $50,000 Thre WITrAKER PLAN is abreamt oef the. times andI gives you in one heur 'What *would take weeks of time and effort by oid fashioned piethods. R. B. WTHITAKER CO. 140 Center St. Winnetka 3250 open W'veek DaYW-to-9 IIILTN48-ltc 12 . 2ROBSART RD. ITLworthCOLON- ia;closed street.; among fine pro- perties. 9 rms., 31/2 battis, heated sun and slp. rrna. Very light, well arranged, wlth 2nd fi. sittiflg rmn. .H. W. ht. oil burner; fine private lawt. andI garden. May trade <or smaller. Price $30,000. ~ Frankln Wannér, owiter, 19 S. LaSalle St.. State 5111 or KenilwOtùth 5111L--- lOOxiGO PT. LOT ON ABIN{GDON. NEXT te fine houses and park; 8100 Other .good values. CENTRAL WILNIETTE9 RMS..31/ batàhs, large heated,, sup rm' Good con- dition. H. -v. oft burner., Unusua) bargaln for $13,500. FRANKLIN WAN- NER, 19 S. LaSalie. State 5111 or Ken- Ilworth 5111. 11 LTN448-ltp IDEAL HOME 10 ROOMS, 31/ BATHS, 2 PORCHES. Ne~w Crane nlmbing fixtures. ,Ncw. A CHOICE BUILDING LOT NEAR LAKE - WINNETKA This vacant iot-100x160 cost owncr $25,000. NOW fer' ail cash $8.500. No Assessments, al Taxes paid te daté. KENILWORTH REALTY PHONE WILMETTE 966.' 11LTN48-l1tc Winnet.ka BEAUTIFUL BRICK COLONIAL Charrmiug living rm., sun. rrn. with:tii. floor;- brktfst.. rm., 4 bdrns, 4 -bath., lav.; large unfinished 3Bn libr; att. 2-car gar., ,oùl ht.; fened yard ýwith lovely trees. For. sale $25,000. Aise for rent. FraîicesJ. Winscott 902 Spýrue St. Winnetka 1267 $15,"o OVERLOOKING SKOKIE VALLE~Y. 3 acres, 8-room stucco house, 2% tile ~baths, large m.reened and heatetI, sai porch and sleep. porch ; oil heat;- 2-car garage. McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. Over 40 Years of Dependabie Service 316- Park Ave., .Glericoe Ph. Glen. 13 IlLTN48-1tc $6,750.00 CAL-IFORNIA BUNtGALOW IN LIN- colnwood section. 5 large rooms and porch. H. W. ht. 60 ft. lot. 2-car gar. Sînail cash. Balance like rent. H.O..C. loan. $38.50 per inonth over 15 yrs. THE BJLLS REALTY, Inc. 529 DAVIq ST., EVANSTON Gre.1166Wil. 3740 Gre. 146 11LTN484lte FINE 0OD COLONIAL NORTH FIAST CORNER LIN\DEN AND Ash. Winnetka. For sale at land value -by remiodeling it i. possible' to create over $25,000 value.. Pro.iinent architect abso.lutely endorses its 1)ssibilities. SIHORÉ-TOWNS REALTY CORP. Exclusive Agents' Wilinette 60& 11ILTN48-ltc Overlookinig and Adjoining qkok1ie C'onîntrv Club, I HAVE $5,000 IN CASH. te buy à home lu Wil Winn., Price uot ever $14 bedrms., 2 baths, la.v. an, With Owncrs euly. Write 40. Wlimette, I. 1 MODERN 7 ROUX HO Cash. State ail Partie, letter. Pnivate buyer. Box 406 Wiinetté, Illits. .XCHANOE-UML VAI WriteB18 118LTN4-ltPý SMALL RESIDENCE IN WINNETKA. Givefuil particulars, price oui terme. No agents. Wite B-56, Box 40, Wil- mette, Ill.: 113L48S-ltP ON THE LAKE AT ITS FORMER PRICe. 100x550 PT, to the Wvater's cige. A real sacrifice. BAUMANN-COO0K REAL ESTATE SERVICE 553 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 3450 1 14LTN48-ltc BEAUTIFUL GREE9N.LAKE, NEAR 1Ripen, Wls..1 acre et lake frontage choiceat bW. ou Lake, wooded aud close to tewn, piv. rond, splendid homes ad- jolning.8 8500 cash if sold at once. Writ B-60,Box40, WiJtmte±l. Al Wt4te114LTN48-ltp CHOICE SOxi?? PT. LOT SOUTH OF In. Hill <bit Club fer your new home at price yeu will like. Heinsen Rlty., Exci. Agts., Winctka 254. 114LTN48-ltc WINNETKA LOT AT BAR43AIN, 70x 187 ft., near Skokie School, ail bupr.. lu and paid. Only $30.00 per foot. Smithi andI Goss, 725 Elm St., Winn. 3500. 1 14LTN48-ltc T7- H EROCKY MOUNTAIN BOYS' Camp iu Coiorado. For beys 12 te 16. Phone A. C. Goodrich, Winnetka 2217. 1 18LN48-4te fron $AILw-çgMgTERY LMSB CEM TERY LOT, MEMORIAL. PA.11 Will accommodate 6 ceuicut vauîts or 8 weed boxes. EasY terms. Phone Wil- mette 3211. 120LTN43-1ltp BARGAIN - BUSINESS LOCATION S% block C. & N. W. R. R. with 2 story brick shop suitable for rug chan- ing, general repair shp), "etc. Ph.Wi. mette 1724.. 122LTN4R-1.tp TEM Lr garage. Cabin. Rie- tA.N -~ f w,3,ciq. 8 &PA-SADENA HOMIE TO BE EXCEANGED FOR 5 OR 6 bedroom modern bouse ln Wlpuetk*,. Pasadena property la located là tue', fluent residentlal district. It bas 10 roomsanad 3 bathis. Information giadly exchauged..' QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc.' 1571 Sherman A&venùe -University 2600 1ZSLTN4g-ltc URIGEI HOBE, 5 BEDENS9,., > BATHIS. Higbland ParL Witt traie with owner etf amami.bouse, wbo eau finance dif- ference. Write B;-169, Box 40. Wllmett, BEUT. FURNISHINGS OP AN ART- lue's home. Ant. Ital. cbair .$21.50. gondola altar decoration 15; 7 ---p. Sheraton bedrm. suite, comiplets 110; heur glass chairs; Chinese tes, table; chaise lounge; grasin rug (VautIfleU, N. Y.>; 5 ipc. ivory bcdrm.-suite, cern- plete $45; garden benc h & urus. Ala- baster candelabra & comportau$25;- dishes; fiower1 vases; foldhag chair 81.50; step ladier; gardon toole; mise. dinlng roem suite, il peu., 200 yrs. old. cxc. cond., (net massive> wortb tbou- sands of dollars. WIilsacrifice for $750; aise UIal. lamp. Must be accu te be a.ppreccated. Wiuu. 2067. 12LT-Iltp LIB. TABLE; OVER$TIJFFE1> WING chair;, rocker; looe cumion arm chair; chenille rug witb paddlug. Daveu- port, loose cushiona; end table; smali desk. Fireplace cquip.; ivory bedrin. set, twin bcd., box spriings,, mattresses, chiffonier, dresser. Furu. for 2 maldtV rms.; Rellable 6 bumier gais tove; World's Fair Whecl Chair; 'washiiig mach. 306 Woodstock Ave., Keuhlwoith, Ili. 1331,rN49-ltq FOR SALE MOHAIR JIAVENPORT PHONE WILMUETTE 2747 129LTN48-4tp Household Furniture FOR SALE CHflAP 609 Cherry St. Wiuuetka 1463 129LTN48-ltp FOR SALE CHEAP-2 MOHAIR DAV- en4perts. Radiola. (28). Radila 104 speaker. Bei, mattreffs, spriug. Chest. Lawn relier. Winnetka 2777. 129L48-ltp> QUEEN ANNE DINING. TABLEC WITH CHINA CABINET..........5 TEA CART ................ $.5 129LTN4.8-ltp ~ ~ A T 7 T ) I T W .f TNý < I f M . S E T R.R, Inc. lable ServiceI Gre. 1080 17-LTN*4g-1tc M. AEGER WUÉ '1 1»64 SheÎ , Ic. y~ BEI), and bei,