pire to public office, we believe tnhat tne Harmony Plan of cboosing candidates embodies advantages so preponderantiy beneficiai to us ail thiat its support-.liôuid cojne spontalreously f rom ail citizens. The purpose hiere is to rep efciey to the frequenit qu~estion,, "Wby, shouid I support -the Harmony Plan 'when it provides for only one ticket. at election ?" Perhapi.the best answer is that it'af-' fords America«n representative .gover»i ment in its pureat forin, giving to every citizen the opoportuniÎty to share Wi the selection of candidates. To. intelligently explain requires a brief statement of the 'creation and operation of the HarmoniyConvention. At, began at a public- meeting at which two men were selected, they to select a third, toaformi a "Cali Committee." This committee requested ten prominent civic organizatioris to each ap- point two mmrbers ta act as individuals., on a "Creative Committee," to which wasintrusted the duty of selecting four persans f rom each of the thirteen voting precincts as members of the convention. Terms of one-half of the convention members expire each election year, the vacan- cisbeing filled by a citizens' committee appoint- ed byi various civic organizations. Thus no op-< portunity is given for clique control. Each con- vention elects its own officers, none of .whom can succeed thenselves. The convention appoints from its member-. ship a 'Nomiinating Corhiittee," compqsed of one niember f rom each precinct, ta wbich is dele- gated the duty of searching for suitable candi- dates. This comnmittee holds a well-advertised public mass meeting, at which al citi7ens, indi- viduals as-well as groups. are invited to present the naines of persons whom they desire ta put *forvard as candidates. The committee makes no nominations at this meeting, and is not bound ta place on the~ ticket naines there presented, The.jjominating committtee reports its-find- ingils to.t-he f ult.convention for final action.: The Harmony plan also provides that, where, a question of public policy on which there is di- * vided opinion, and upon which the laws do flot require a referendum, the convention shaîl place the nuestion before the vot-ers -at the next elec- contest at the poils is also demanded. The distaste of capable citizens for t lýe election contest causes: many to refuse absohitely to serve. Those citizelns. who have taken -part in obtainiingý the consent of residents of.Wilrnette, to-accept nom- ination for public office recognize the trutb of this stateffient ýall too weéll. Citizens, loyal to- the lest traditions of, Wilmette are reminded of, the, banefuùl effects of factionalism in. local goverl-, nment and urged to assist'inj)preveflting it. Due to the ,wise policies of the Har- mony Convention,* in cooperation %vith otber groups,,there bas been a marked decline in. factionalism in .,Village affairs in tbe past two years.- Thèse efforts are most commendable. Differenices. have been ironed out, and contentions over- corne to a point where, at this time. there is no ismlue dividing the voter& i no ques- tion caliing for a contest for Village offices. Governing boards are working together in a spirit of real cooperation. and controversiai problins bave beeni largely soived. Should this situation be endorsed, or sbould tbe efforts of those who bhave brought it about be condem-ned ? *Hundreds of civic minded citizens have iabored earnestly for four years to achieve unified action ini seiecting Village officiaIs. Are tbese labors to be completely frus-' trated ? Thee liswuiation of factionmi strife is a long stepforward i municipal direction of sunali community affairs. Proof of this truth is near at h and. Kenilworth and Winnietk,,a afford indis- ptable. evidence~. Glencoe, after a disas- trouis experielice; is reorganizing its non- factionai caucus. In Winnetka;and Kenil- wortb there is occasionaily an effort to *create the oiçi strife, but it is usuaily çl-lhed bvfthe ritizens, wbo spring to For Presldent of the Village Board QHAftRY C. KINNE Mr. Kinne, who has served two terms as Village Trustee, says: "As I1aam to be Prei-. dent of the Village Board, I arn anoelous £0 have trustees.. pou whom I con de pond to iwor*fin harrnony wth lame., I theretore re- qioest all mjj frieitda to vote the- atraight Har- InouliPartl) t4eket." For Village Clerk ENICHOLAS P. MILLER For village Treasurer EHARRY W. MILLER Eiec tioft Tuesday, ApTil 16. POILS openi 6 à, inm to 5 VoTEliARMONY FOR WILMEITE NU~ APRIL 11, 935 TUESDAY