cnoose tneir suojects until tney step to the. platform, and their audienceý wiIl contribute opinions and parti ci - paýte a"ct*vely in the discussiotn. The day's acti vities will open at 19 o'clock with sewing. Luncheon will be servedl at 12:30 o'clock; afterwbich annual reports w;ill be read and the election of officers - ill be held,-, Alil luncheon reservations muât be made bye- mail to the temple office before, Saturday, April 13, it is'announced. Mrs. Albert: A. Kahn, chairman, of the social cominittee,. is in charge of the, luincheon,and the programt was ar- ranged by Mrs.. Avis Shulman, chair- nVn of -the program co0mrittee. TO RECEIVE DIPLOMA memb ers. of the cla& and five f6 fgo, on mn class thirty- presentý more and Tom Johansen, 158 Bertling lane,' Winnetka. Owuers, prospective own-' ers and crews on Snipe boats are in- vited to be present to discuss the coin- ing summer's business of the fleet. The business consists of electing 1935 officers anid disçussing races, mles..and courses., moorings and any other bus- iness that might be brought up. Last season saw seven Snipe class racing sloops in Wilmette harbor ac- tive each Saturday in cotnpetitive rac- ing around the snipe three-mi.le course. The snipe Gladiator owned by Ewing. johansen andBart Price, won the Sea Scout 'Commodore Williamns cup, and competitiont for this trophy w:1be keèn thissummer. The Snipe class design was' first published2in Rudder magazine ini July. 1931, and since that date it bas -p .ro . gressed until there are now more than 950 registered boats in. the Snipe Class International Racing 'associa- tion.. Dihtsional, . lets are - located throughout the United States from Maine to Los Angeles, in Great .Bri- tain and Canada, in Mexico and the Canal Zone and even in Hawaii. The importance of this class boat to the sport of yachting is very apparent.1 Wilmette harbor is the scene of the activities of the local Snipe and Star boat fleets . . . and there are few sights more beautiful and entrancing than the start of, a sali boat race. . . a Grinneil College Tea Te Given ini Wilmnette AGrinneli tea given by the present Grinneil students was held Wednes-: day of last. week at the home of Miss Sara Rossman, 1130 Chestnut avenue. Forty guests were present, twenty beitng prospective students frorn Nemw Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware, 325 Abbotsford road, ICenilworth, re- turned Friday front a' two unontbs' motor trip south, visiting Texas and Mexico" returning-by way- of New Orleans and Mobile.