State.Fanui Mutual Auto Ins. Co. Have nme tell you how this continuous policy plan cuts insurance costs about 40%. Legai Ieserve. Rated A-Plu$ bv Bests. Côast-to-Coast service. Authorized representation and 'service. Tel. Glencoe 146-HighlsrId Park, 147S-Deerfieid z25o. -ur@ aig o .1 The "Goodyear Sofety" c@sts vu miii.. -- - a d 4.40-21 4.75-19 Blowout Protection in. EVERY Ply Guarante againat road hlIe iirds Guarantee against defocts for life Our own guarantee and yer round servce Slathew Fîracui I AUnied A risuPholograpàer 1152 Central Ave. WiImette.2526 Kenilworth Units Plan Annual DemonstratiQn -Boy -Scout Troop 13 and Cub Pack On Mother's Day, May 12, ail Cubs, Boy Scouts and Sea Scouts of the North Shore Area cou ncil, the North- west Suburban council and the Ev- anston council will assemble at Dyche stadium, Evanston, to pay tribute to mothers. Besides a grand entry of approxima'tely 2,000 scouts with'their: nmaàsed, colors,, there will be a short address by an outstanding> speaksr of.the middle west., and about a haîf hopr of scouting dernonstrations climnaxedby4a formai scout tribute to* their mothersassembledin the stands. Scout trocips 'are busy making preparation and selling tickets which wili benfit theifr treasuries, the mioney ý to be used, for. wort.hwhile projects su 'ch - as sending. under- privileged boys. to camp. Approxi-, mately 10,000 persons are expected to attend this Boy Scout Mothers' Day celebrationi. This occasion .is designed' to be a family affair, each ticket adrnitting one family. Scouts are being urged flot 'only to bring tlir môfhers, -but their fathers, their brothers, their sistèrs, their cousins, their aunts, their u'ncles, their grandpare-nts and al their friends. Current Scout Pro jects Discussed in Witmette *Camp Ma-Ka-ja-Wan, the Moth- er's Day celebration, advancemeht, troop rnembership and the National jarnboree-~.were discussed Monday evening, April 8, at a meeting of the Wilniette *District Boy Scout com- mrittee 'at the Wilmette. Village hall. Those présent besides ýDr. D. W. Rapp, district chairman, were: Hec- tor Dodds, vice-chairman; Carl Han- nen, commîssioner; Daniel, Coyne, George N. Miller, Dr. Harold Condit,- Earl W. M oon, W. ý F. -Jones.,, the Rev. F., J. Tromnp, Ernest .Bersch, William Edmonds, Randolph Mc-ý Candlish, Will C. Huggins, Arthur Jones, Ben Co,, ari Yost, Clifton G. Speer and George Bersch. ini iusic; Glencoe Tr( Pflanz, first class rai badge in photograpf ýMatthews, menit badg raphy and electricity- Kandi menit N. Miller is 'acting as' scoutrna% y; G or d on Mr. Miller cornes to Troop Il1 s in' photog- five years Of service as a scout.- Broad, scribe.. rAFKIL 5z.. Parents and friends of Sea Scout- ing are invited to enjoy the eveningý of. April 15, at the regular,weekly, Meeting of Sea Scout Ship Ouihnette. Three or four short naval films have, been, obtained as. the feature of the evening, with an interesting, exhibit of model boats as a side attraction. Some of the boats have been' built and coilected by the scouts. and other have been loaned to, the. ship for the purpose of -exhibition. IN PREPARATION . To prepare for an unhanipered, sea- son -on the water, this summer, the Snipe Nor'eastér will receive a coat of the .best paint obtainable , reports D. E Hall, divisional officer. "Using our experience of last season as, an illustration that cheap paint doesn't pay, we are taking this precaution to iasure a perfect season," liesa. Ann>ounce Judges, for Hôbby Show H enry Fowler, president of. the- North Shore Area council, J. B'. Jackson, area commîssioner, and Paul Muzik, commissioner of the Highiwood district, will be the judges at Wil1mette's annual Boy Scout hobby show at Stolp school aud- itorium Saturday evening, April 20, it . was announced. this week. Two awards will be given, one for the best display of hobbies, and the other for the best "act of scouting." Each of the. nine Wilmette scout unit 's will present an "act 'of scouting, a dramatization of typical scout activ- ities. Tickets for the hobby show are. n ow on sale 'by al Wilmette -Sea Scots, ýBoy Scouts and Cu1bs. 13 h