COATS Mes gggIIiglI~ j Fs r TrSusaased The finest *of- new fabrics-the smartest fashions, from here and done. to a,«"t" -and the- aristocrats. of fuira. Really everything- you c o u 1 d 'want in ,a -coat---at, a thrihi>ng price. Women's, misses%,1Y2 sime. been keeping uts iForci plane ini ead storage at Pal- Waukee airport dur- ing the winter, had the sbip taken out last week and placed in condition for a barnstorming tour. He carried passengèrs at Pal-Waukee last Sun- day and planned >to leave s ornetimùe this, weeký for Tennessee and other sotenstates.: Wood is a transport pilot.* On bis barnstormingý tours, however,' he -hires a pilot to do most of the flying. Two Texaco- Planes N Stos at Curtiss]1 Two'Texaco comp any, plat rived, at ýCurtiss airport ear week from Kansas City.«Onie, a man, was. piloted b- Pete C and the other, a -Waco, by Jernigan. Clausen was flyir plane uisually piloted by Aubreý Clausen was enroute to Cli is return froi Detroit. Winnetka Pilot Makeq a Trip to St. 1 Sidney M. Spiegel, one of netka's sportsman, pilots who tbusiastic about flying, made from Curtiss airport, wbere he his plane, to St. Louis last wee 4ake Fiid, nés ar- rly last iStear- Four. bour and twenty inute air mail-passenger-express plane service f rom Chicago to New York and an hour faster service to Los Angeles and other 1'acific coast points be- came effective on ;United Air lines last week. More frequent schedul es are provided both'ea st ýand west.. The reduction of 'flying :time ,frotn, Chi- cagô to New, York. is, due to putting, into service latest type Boeingtwin- eiedtransports witb a cruising speed of 189ý miles an hour. Faster, overnight service to the Pacific coast is provided by reducing th& ýnumnber of intermediatè stops. Flics Here to Atteén.d a Beauty Trade Show 'lausen, Paul, Rilling, dealer, in beauty par-, "Duke" lor equipment, arrived at Curtiss air- hig the port in bis Stinson last weè'k fromn -y Kief. Minneapolis. He. camne to Chicago eveland to attend the annual Midwest Beauty ernigan, Trade show held under the. auspices ;s upon of the Chicago and Illinois Hair-, dressers' association at the Hôtel Sherman. On the flight back to Min- sneapolis Rillingwas accornpanied by Dick Granere, who bhas won a reputa- .ýOUI5 tion as a stunt ,pilot.. 1Win-, is en- a trip, ckeeps, k On Take Pictures of Auto. Train Race from Plane Dwigbt Morrow, Curtiss airport corpôe Brentiey. Moaa.y J4 Laird Plane Pays'a 1Visit to Curtiss Field A Laird Plane from the Heart-o'- Lakes airways at Lake Delton, Wis- conisin, was one, of the ships arriving at Curtiss airport- last welc. The plane was 'powered by a J4--Wright engine, this particular type of miotor A news photographer took aerial «isbots" of a railroad train and a higb-powered automobile r ac in g along a set of double tracks. Peterkin and Freytag Fly to Detroit, Mich. Datniel Peterkin, Jr., of. the Morton Salt Company, and C. W. "Slim"o Freytag,. Stinson salesman associated with tbe Chicago Aviation corpora- PLIES HERE FROM MADISON Howard Morey, operator of the Royal girport at Madison, Wis., was a caller at Curtiss airport last week. He fiew bere from tbe Wisconsin capital-in bis Stinson.. Mrs. W. H.'ý avenue, will be Friday to ber b e, 43,kenilworth' :ess at luncheon club. Mrs. George Coale, 322 Keftilworth avenue, Kenilwortb, was. hostess at. luncheon Friday. Sherman and Clturch-Eý WOMEN'S SHOP Open Soturdazy Evenidigs'