Anno"rçement wm made this week that Miss- Emily Michenfer, director of .the 'Titnberline- Ranch for Girls,' has purchaied a lairge, new cattle ranch in northeastern Arizona; to wkich she will take this yeur the group of girls wIho wish to spend their nmne-week vacatoin on a real ranch in the land of round -ups, rodeos, painted. deserts and Indian reservationiu.< miss Michener is having a large stone built, on the new Pro perty, as tuell as a nuimber of small stone cabiàs. A. surprise ranch shower was given Sunday- night for 'Miss Michener at the home of.:Dr. and Mrs. ljarry Mock in Evanston. Mrs. C.- F. Stewart of Ev- anston and Mrs. John R. Cochran of Winnetka poured. Among the other guests present were the following: f rom Evanto-Mr.WndMrs.~ F. W. Bau- man and daughter, Mary', Miss Her- mona Clarke, Mrs. John Dolese, Mrs. C. F. Stewart and daughter, Lois, and Mr. and Mrs. John Weston; f rom Wil- mette and Kenilworth-Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Cutier and daughter, Jeanne, and Miss Hester Dillon; f rom Win- netka-Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Barber and daughter, Mary Phyllis, Mr. and Mrs. Clark J. Lawrence and daughter, Nancy Mlaine, Mrs. Howard Ballenger and, I - -%4 ý -11 k Q . A i CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, SERVICE "Are Sin, Dis ease, and. Deal Real ?" will be the subject at ti services in First Church- of Chris Scientist in Wilmette Sunday mori ing, April 17, at Il o'clock, heldi the edifice at 1003 Central avenu Sunday school wili conveneat 9:d o'clock. PIANO TUN1NG For the benefit of his north shore clientele 'H. F. ANTUNES wlshes ta announce à local telephone nunber. WUNNETKA 1677 Lth ,he m6 Stevenàs 'ofEvanston are featuring this week their 1935 VaÉssarette founda- tions, t h a t mould and hod.. yet allo Wal the freedom of a ct i on the they enhance the Unes of - evéry figure and the eharm * of every frock. There are more than a dozen differ- ent Vassarettes ... Girdies, Pantie-Girdies.- and All- - in-Ones of specially pro- cessed L a st ex . .. for * Louise; f rom Chicago-Mrs. hIJ.mmnln Blaine, Mr. and Mrs. - arry, Paddock * and Miss Lou~ise Anderson. Many of the parents* and daughters who could mot be present sent lovely gifts. A few:out-of-town guests attend- ed'-the shower.. Theodore Dreiser Next Speaker at 'Morne Hall on i'uesOay CvCig. Mrs. F. R,. Kilner and herý daugli- ter, joan, .430 Sheridan road, ICenil- worth, spent the latter's spring vaca- tion n New Orleans and took the garden pilgrimnage to Natchez, Miss , -where.experts will Rt'you with the garment you should wear. Vassarettes are priced from $5 to $15. We carry them, Yes.. for we know you dont always desire to buy the best. BUT, if it's =5r?,M- Central Aveý at Sheridan Rd. Glencoe 1100