Blshop Stewart will be the speaker at-I the Lenten noonday services at the Har- ris tlieater, Chicago, during Holy Week, froni 12 to 12 -30 o'clock every day except Saturday. * Wlmette Baptist Wilmetteand, Forest avenues Rev. George.D. Allison, pastor On Sunday morning speclal Palm Suni- day exercises will be held ln. the Church school at 9,,.3Q and ln the morning wor- uhIp,.at,.Il o'clock.' There wil be a proc essional of the Junior and Senior choirs ,and a sermon by Dr. Allison on -How Shall We Holor Christ?" The Young People's society hold their eeiGà meeting Sunday at 6 o'cckn the Gid room. There will be a Passion Week pro- grani miailed to very member, for use as a guide to. prayer and reading.' The Prayer meeting on Wednesday night and thé Annual, Evening Communion of thé Last Suppier on Thursday Wili be the public gather-ings, of the eongregation. LOGA N-HO WARD Miss Ruth. Elmer of WiImette gave a .most inspirational and challenging talk before the adolescent study group of the Logan- Howard P. ,T. .A. -on Tuesday, April 9, on the subject, "Tie Adolescent and Religion." It ýwas a scholarly and -convincing talk. which showed much study, research and thoughit. Miss Elmner quoted Professor Burit- ham as saying that the three most vital things in the universe are (1). religion, (2) science and (3) hygiene. '«Re- ligion i.s one. of the natural attribut 'es which must. be' developed if we bavre a wrell-balanced kesonal.ity,'7 was an- other, statement. 'Miss Elmer quoted statements by -six of the. foremost SCi- entists of today confirrnîng theïr opin- io ns that religion and science .do -not~ have to conflîct. * There are todaj 1,3000 moral re - ligious systems and tliese 1,300 con- * stitute oiilv 40 per cent of the word' s Stout is coming on Sunday. javenue,' hrncheon. to a bridi v f TJ HIS is the season when the thoughts of the housholder turu to spring c1eaning, decorating and general re- stated that injuries ftromu accidentIs wherever they occur, should be cared for at once; tliat the general public musi become "safe-minded"; that therc were 33,000 deaths f rom homne 3ccidents àlast year against ý35,000 by motor vebicles. "The man atthe machine is I L1 NON S D ELL TE LE P ENE CO. IVE. ALWAYS .WANIED AN: EXTEN SIO0N; TEILEPIIONE ON T H N IHTA [ NVE PIANNEOTO HAVE 1T PUiTIN THIS, SPRING'ý