ZZgaine, wnîcn Jiappens to be his highest game for the season. Jin, at the start of the season, was consid- ered the weakest bowler in the league, but he bas proved to, be a valuable min. 114 good steady.bowling is part-. ly rés..ponsible forthe ýGeorge White. grocery teafn being in first place. "Doc" Genster. bowled high. gaine for the night, 217.. Fo« the first titre in months the Bleser brothers failed to register a 200 gaie., Other 200 gaine s were: IEd Scyller, 212; Whealan, 211, and Ed Schneider, 21Z. Standing. of the teains, including gaines of April 4: George Whiteli3grocery Wellers nursery KusJewelers Eidelwis rungowten LnamsTxct Bidwell Booster.s Whealan.B6osteri SOTSIWAN LEL4GU.E Krier Buffet, whjch lias been lèading the Sportsmnan league race for inany weeks, dropped two out of three gaines to Harry's Budweiser teain last week with the recuit that the Budweiser boys gained a first place tie. The first gaine of the series was won by Krier's, 933 to 852. Budweiser's took the next two, 9%7 to 950 and 931 to 911. The three-gamne totals for the two teams wer-e: Krier's, 2794, and Budweiser's. 2750- Coumvd T. Frykmnan highi garnes are to be awarded. Next year the club is confident. of having ten five-man teains wth a numrber of substitutes. won 51 50 47 44 3 30 26 Lost 30' 31 34 37 38 55 LEGION LEAGUE (IPOST46) Capt. George Bassler's Teani No. 1 etrçngthened.,its hold, on first place in the Amterican.Legion league, last Fri-, day at the, Wilrnette Bowling alleys, 1159. Wilmette avenue, *by winning three gaines f rom-Captain Lindberg's Teami No. 2,.,while ,the' second place Teain No., 3,. captained by Hîarry Flenitye, was able to Win only one gaine f rom. Captain Drewes' Team - No. 4. The Basslirteain whipped the .ULnd- berg bowlers .by a seven-pin inargi in the first. ganeof. their-series. The .score was* 910 to 903. The second and third. gaines were won by widerirar- gins. 867 to -799 and 867 to 841. Tearn No. F'sthree-gaine total of 2644 Was high for, thle evening. «After winning the fir st two gaines fonTeain No. 3 by rather close mnar- gins, 796 to 783 and 847 to 841, Teani No. 4 lost the fast gaine of the seriles, 781 to 832. The high single gaine score of the evening was a 208 chalked up b)y Cap- tain Lindberg of Teain No. 2. Lind- ýberg also had the individual high series score of .549. The teain standings follow: Teanis Woin Lost, Pet. Team 1, Basier, capt. 25 14' .641 1 YU.. T he two Methodist teains divideed honore for the evening. Methodist No. 2 wvon the first gaine, 787 to 745, Meth- odist No., l took the second, 816 to. 748, and 'Methodist No. 2 won thù third,. 788 to 771. Teainistandings:- Teame Congregatonal St. .Johns Lutheran Methodist i1 Mef-thodist 2 Won 22 .21 22ý 7 Lost ,. ilý .666 18 Ms3 19 if.53 30 .18 SUNSET RIDGE LEAGUE Conrad T. Frykian, a member of Suniset Ridge Country club, feeling that tbe friends.hips formed during the golf season.should be continued through the witer, coniceived, the idea in , 1933 of forming a golfers' bowling league.- ,He gleaned- six fuit five-man tcani whichi rolledl every Monday iiighit al. Bleser's aleys in Wilniette. Fnthusiasm increaséd as the season progre -sscil.and it waýý decidedto fhake bowliüg a peflu- anent club activity.' 1In the faîl of 1934 eigbt fuiltüw~îns reported on the opening nigbt. andl their interest bas carried theni. throtigli' a peppy season. The weekly contact s at bowling have promroted a feeling of goo-d fellowship and have cemented tht: friendships of the menibers more thanl any other club activity. it-is said. E îeaa ro tour gaines. v ail, .anchor inan and captaiti of the Hooçe.rs, shot the high gaine of the season, 245. in the second gaine. The second place Dormies hiad .trouble with the Bunkers and inanaged to itake only one of the three gaines. The Hazards could have gone into a tie for second place' while the Hookers and Dorinies were losing two, but the Toppers spoiled any such plans. The Toppers woni two gaines. and the Haz- secnd,5b to .790e and Bleser's copped thethi',rd, 911 to 815. The Bleser teani thus climrbed to within one gaine of a tie for first place. Villa Tem Win* Two OnIy one gaine farther back is the' Sunset Villa of Winnetka. The Villa teain kept up with the leaders by win- ning two froni the Wilinette Tailors. Gaine scores . wére 946 to 882, 889 to 898 and 951 tc, 93.fl "Goo-goo, and a coue of da-das, Mrs. Suiank! JVhy the broad s mile this is the answer, my dear-no bot/#er~, no, extra cost-and we're aiways wàrm!" !*ailors-'tChubby1 Leis rer,' Thorsen ànd Jensen, A~ strike ora HI.H. BRAUX tOBrT. P. flOIPELý 831 CARI . I.BIRAUN Sac*". Are, Leading' elr team i t Use Oit" ý-l .1 1