ltatc/i lor dftnouncement of Our New Location Beauýty Salon 338% Linden Avenue Clrav L Iady. fospital and.:recreation service, wili. award the ciass. pins anid address the class on thé ideals anid, objectives of the service. The ciass comnprises 45 nibersý acting as probationiers ini Cook CounI- ty, St.Luke's,. Passavant Memnorial and Children's Memorial bospitais.ý b Lymian.':Ice Creatu Enijoy this rlicher,. creamier goodness-made fromn Mrs. Lyman's own recipe. It co;ntains flot less than 18% butter-fat. A pure and wholsomefood-at any time of day! This Week's Special Mopi., Pecain. Vonillo andCIAcL PITe ur rc SPEIA42IN "Fours ome Package" ;0 Serves FouIr. Plain Fiavors 25e 2 for 45c Lyman-Reuinechar Pharmacy Lyman Pharmacv *h n n CailWilm.t. 28 WiImette & Central Caii en Ave. WiImét$e 463 Fi-ai k E. Foster of Harvey, one of the rc/presenfatives in the state l.Iqsafutre frorn the 7th senatorial district. w.111 adr'ess thé Wilm.ettc C'izi(, 'agflueFidàv, -Mai' 28, on "Il'Iuzt Ae Lcislatu(rc is Poing." The occâsion zwiIIl be temont hi IuicficotmE(fiqof the leagite, 'which zwili bc>c' 1 'd i the English roo>ni f .l'arshall Field (, coin- 'afii v s do'1t)- own store. The lunch- eoit'Ofll bc h ser7'ed at 12:1.5 o'clock. Lake View Markets 'It is their flower. It -rew on the ,fields ýwhere thev. died and it m-as the offly floral tribute on the barc battie graves wher e they were buried. We of the Auxiliary. are hoping that evervone ini Wiliimette will tinderstand theppps significance and wear oiie with pri(le Monday." FACTS ABOUT:POPPY DAY By Nelle B. Nolan The mieniorial poppy is a replica oi the poppies \which grelw, on thebattie fields. of. Francçe and 1lieiýgiuin during thie \Vorld var. The poppy was chosviî as the i e- nibrial flower, for tbe \Vorld war dead be.cause it, gre,%%- wlere ,they fell, tin' one toucli f beautv in the deso- late(I hattie areas.1 The poppies are nmade by. disabled \Vorld war veterans workinig'.in gov- eriment hospitals and poppPy, ork- roonis under direction of- the,--Neri- cean Legionauxiliary. The poppies are. distributed by- worpen and girls of -thé Americant Legion auxiliary and cooperating organizations,.%,orkitig as unpaid volunteers. Contribuitions for thec poppies arc used to support the work of the American Legion and auxiliary for the welfare of disabied veterans, their famnilies and the families of the dcad. Everv Amierican Legion poppy bears a Legion and Auxiliary label whichi gives assurance that it is a veteran-made. flower and that everv ter 6/han. &Ver.) THE NEW fa ty Sh4op u .rdav of this week. The inodernlSt appoin.ted place of business lias just titd ergone a coni- i plete reniiodeling and :en lar gemient ) and now presents one o f the finest food establishments in thie iorth shore area. Signaiiziipg the evenit, Lakec View j Market wvii1 hoid a grand openiinIg Thuirsday, Friday and Satrday of1 tlii js week, witiî excep)tionially, at-J r fowJ acIcmian Wok Each month the Gairing Art gai- leries, 1729 Shermnan avenue,. Evans- ton, conduct an exhibition of paint- ings b)v a local artist. A sho-wing ýof work hv Herinan Peterson has re- centlv closed, and cornmencing May 15 'there are on exhibition paintings liv Reva Jackman. MNiss Jackmnan hias exhibited in Paris .at the. Salon des Beaux Arts PHONE WILMETTE 0000 Free Delivery.. 50c and Over' - %2 ý%%~#% f I