GENILRAL SHEET METAL, WORK AIR CONDITJONING JOBBJNG & REPA fRS Siate and Tie ROOFING Whother New or Od- VENETIAN BLINDS Wl/i Do Wonders for Your Home! Ve reçommnend, the popular "Kirsch- PAINT STORE 996 INE VNEUBBAED Woo S 996 PHONE WINNETKA Patronize O ur 4 dvertisers "I ] C(os.strtiction wzôrk lias hc',î si art- <'d for- thec-neu, fireproof rï'sid.1vnct aboz, !oreV on a ollé <îîl o'i-lîalf arr'traîct ()fland lhwa(cd ai 720 .1rdsle) road, M't'i lcka, for A r/bu>' C ieloln. Tkç dçi,pî olo~sti /utsîColontrv Ho use type i 'si ny stonc, brick andd n'ai haif tmî' s tilt'principal theras o' î l'rior, i.Bau man n -Gook Se rvice Makes Numerous$a les.ý f$aurniaiiid.ook Real Estate' Serv- iICC, 553 Lincoln avenîue, Winnetka, :innouince the follo\ing recent sales: * (;eOrge Fogle of \Winnietka, pur- chased f roi R. H. Tllemannm an t .ight-rooin, t.wo bathroom hIouise at 'tle louse is to have *a large ruc- 429 Maple str'eet, Wnek.Hu reation rooininii the basenieiit :sun îailln-Cook represenitedl both the porch., living rooininahiogany panel- sýeller and the buyer. eti Iihrarv. dining vooni, breakfast Sarnuiel' J. 'McCoy of Glencoe pur- rooin, an ultra-modemn kitchien anid clîased a lot, 1l4xl92 feet on Ape panitry on the first floor; seven nias- - --_- -_______ ter chanbers ou the second floor;k and four 'servants' roonis' on the .Kegleyýý of Ille Benjamin H. Mà\Irshiall third floor. . cornpany, are the architects. Provisionis are' being made for ful1' Mr. Nielseli is presienlt of 'the air conddtioning~ and aHl of' the niod- A C. N'Iielseni coinpany which 'lias' due- erii electrical -oil venmie lces are iii- Ivloped. the Jargest marketing re- chudeil, sucbi as radio 'operation for sclarch butsinless >ni the counîtry, nîa- garage doors and autoinatic Invisible tional ini it.s scope.. This ini additionI buirglar alan. Ail unusual featuire to the food and 'drtig index business of the house: is a' standard 'stuasli %Iivli it.lias carrie'd on for ilnany court of the nost up-to-daté con- i ears. T'le conîpaniv plans addinpg struction ,%hich can be coîîverted al-i- two stories this sunîmiier to thieir-pres- ïnost instaintlv into a' four-car gar- c nt office building at Howard street' age 1w mnechanical' operation of one 1 and Hovine avenue,. Chicago, which wvalI. tlîev completed less' t'i'an a vcar and Lewvis B.Waltoni and Frank T. u lhaif ago.' tree làane, inithe riem, lB)r a (I n e ado \v section of 1southwest inta r NIcCov is starting to build 'a nine- rooln, three. and one-haif b1at liroom- white colonial house,. with Pete(r Nia vo as the archiitect. Fred S. W'hite sold his white colo- nial house of six rooms and twýo bath- romis at. 234 Woodlaind avenue, Xin- netka', to' lwl'nBwî,form eriv of Evan ston. Bauiman ni-Cook repre - seniteci the seller and Quinlan&T- soni, icorporated, tire bhuer. George H. Matthews sold the east 77ýý, feet of his, wooded prôperty at 182 Nfaple 11111 road, Glencoe, to -M. J. Ioeb of Winnet'ka. 'Mr. Loeb) plans to bulild on the lot ini the near futur-e. W~.'R. Fowler, Jr. of \Viuuetka, bouglit; the scven-roorn, threc bath- room w~hitu colonial' bouse at 485 Orchard lane, Winnetka frorn i.1 Adler' of Chiicago, amn~(o I , .\drw Da\ of Smithi();nu bathr-oorn at 420 South aven,', Glilcue, -1n a xvooded lot '75x187 feçt toR. Kenntetli Xcewhall of ý\'heato)n. IIBauînann-Cook repuesellte(i the~ seller anidQuinilaii & Tvson the liti\er. , - . MvcýSner of Chicago Sodl his l,'nglish ib rrickhouse %-th Se(ve(n1 rooîns and two ami oîîle-hlalf 1bathl- roorns at W) Jackson itavienue, Glncoc, to HI. S. . Strauss of G1c11coe.' Bau- Street, Evanston Hol.. 6886 Uni. 6886 Wil. 1660 WGI. RUOGLES, &,cou -Mr: and Mrs. Flay L. Murphyiý,, 732 Park avenue, arrived lîÔnie. Tuesday following a four-day trip to Detroit, Michi., and Canada. Wlîile 'ini'De- troit they werèe entertained by Mr., anid Mms. Richartd Scbloep', fQri.lerLy Of Chiicago. 517 Davis t I 1 il.1-