In less than threc year> NMr. Flynn hias collected $4,616,935.25 in tax re, demptions, and to dlate lbas returnied over 99 per cnt-o tii0 alontt the. respective cities, villages. and toiwns ,ini Cook counity. Record of Efficiency This, fine recordl of emfciency bas reccivC(l the Commendation of mnany, imipor-tant e-ivic leadlers who have per- the attits of Mr. Flynn's books and fotind ibein in excellent condi- tioni. AIlirintg their standf is the response firomn vaÉious officiais of the towns in the counity inaking dclair their whiole-hecart>W- apprecia- tion ati ,end(orsenicùt oftheUicnw* systemn as evideniced' by. congrat- ulatory letters which have beeni written to Counity Clerk, Flynn. Todav 'tbe balance on band in the fec ifind( is au a new, low of $7,700 Michael J. Flyma and atatements prepared showlng rrop- erty on whlch collections are made. ThIbg wiIenable the village to save a large anount of interest accruing on unpaid mpeelal assessment bonds by maklng prorata payments to the bondholders. soon as collections *are made. The vil- h.ige appreciates the 'work you have done and the fine co-operattion we have re- (evd~ Slgned> lforry W. Miller, bown Wnicn a ,special repre- sentative will be present. Following is a list of schools which will be represented:4 Amherst, Anti- och, Armour, Beloit,, Bryant and Stratton, Carleton, Carroll, Chicago, Coe, Colgate; Columbia, Dartmouth,, Illinois, James Milliken, Kenyon,1 Knox, Lafayette, Lake Forest, LatV- rence, Monmouth, Moser, Miami, Na- tional College of Education, North Central, Notre Dame, Northwestern, Denison, DePauw, Drake, Duke, Ev- anston Academy of Fine Arts, Ev.- anston hospital, Grinnel, Wabashi, William and Mary, and Williams. New Jewel Store to Be Opened in Hig~hland Park M'artha, biave taken the nomse at 1260 Twenty-first street, recenitly occupied by the Russell B. Dicksons. Mr.,aiid Mrs. R stilli own a house in -St. Louis, Mo., but plan to livýe on. the, northi sh ore for several years. 0o John Chapin of 236 Laurel avenue, iWho is attending Purdue univeruity, wihl be home this week-end fr6m Lafayette, mnd., for -a--short visit with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sprague Chapin. Hie will not bc home for Thanksgiving. staed triîat in Me uirec yüars h1e fia Ibeeti cotuuty clcrk lie lias reduce the redemption fund to its Iw level and expects to continue utit the iund is so liquid al. the monc wi11 bec turtied over to its righitfi. a,.., a soon as it is received. Makes Regular Disbuvsements \Vhcn Mr. Flynn took officei ~in the coutiy. A~s mnents are miade te 1lst and l5thi of eacl redemption fundsà tion detailed staterr plete information are attachied. records 1218 Wlii..t Avenue J. F. MANIE Prop. Ope. Dail awd Sondqys a A.M...Jo PO. Mi'..Mala.».' HOME MADE DougLeut......... doz. If ?otat. shd .......... iBm'