Vitomib 8,10jscientiflcally oddd-a vuried diet in ftItefl Rival willl solve y.uv don fndina aroblemmsl which w'i i urtul, unuci ume spu;- sorship of ýthe Clhi. Oniega sorority, in the Woman's, club of Evanston, Saturdav, Novýember 27, froint noon until midnight. The proceeds Wiil gzo to the ýphilan- thropies to which Chii Omega con- trihutes. They include the medical service of Berea college, Ken., the. Norù!thwestern settlemnent, andI the Evamitoni Community Chest.. Show Hobby If %-ou have a «hobby" of anv kind this will. be vour onpportuni ty to1 show if where the; showing.will count, and if yous haven't one you'll see holv much fun you are isi V oit will see about everything in hobbies froin atitograph and I per raff+ lrtn and 24 trom 1 n November 26 esses. , lMrs. Wesley %V. Race andr.S. Gordon >lMcW\illiais are tule îi(Ik-c chairmen. The treasurer ofteSl) is,:Miss Margaret WeIton, amij( the s etiecretary iS MUrs. Arthur .Dorani. lTOrmite Villa"c One of the Outstandîng featurv-, ýr t)Iv sho* *1l1,be the termnite villatge. Thi.sis Hiermnan Woodworth's "hobbby,",Tt As a real ant city-(lifferent from anytIhîng .of the kind that You have ever ,;een.,'It looks Ilke a miniature town, and as you. watch the workers-and the "engineers". ---build their overhead roads, tunnels ahd by-paisses, you'Il wonder why i.r* have to go far away fro*m home to soPve their traffie problem.4 Wlnkle Maison h ais an, up.-to-datc- hobby. She ha s a scrap book that ccn- tains about ever.y bit of -"news" con- cerning the variée activities of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor 1 ,from thé, day the Duke quit the king busIfless elcwil to ilis diffiulties over hIisit(b:- to hità,propot"<î n 9j iintir- VHIi be ttês. as of hos p anc au sU. Piflip Vffl )n of Swedlsh peasant pro- ties w111 hold the iht4est ýe It. -andI perhaps the womrii, be Interested in the pip-e" s., the collecting of whichi aPet hobby of Prof. Rlay - 5 a- .(-> YE>FOLKS- This 4 6 aS 4tee MEAT SALE I