LIBREABY fh. corner! Now ls àa oefort.b ugo.m t0 select your gifft froni Our very comapote stck of NEW BOOKS from. ailthe l.adhmg publisheri for .vesy msmber of #h4 fa.- ly front baby t. gryandfather. Speclel erders i i u giuunre S.omfffuI Fm'ecb S.ks for b.fl, chldren n md adult English - satirical novel, is thée lite ot an author and'his wife, ]Brynhild. Pub- lishers and publicity mna are carica- tured, top. Is anyone better qualified to present these people than Mr. Wells?, Here às wit hearty and penetrating, a thought-provoking probing of thse sub- conscious, and an understanding of wom- en uncomfortably broad. Rowland Place, thse author, is the hero but we sec hiin through thse eyes and soul of bis wife. *Plaaned Publicity -Briefly, for a few weeks on their hoc ymoon, the two experience comnplete L syrnpathy and bappiness. Then for Brynhild commences disillusionment. Rowland is a pi!l, more or less, a fact Brynhild acoepts in bitter finality after he hires a publicity agent to interpret agi uiMii Cas-bs Photo -IIice' BIackbieril Doingan, 807 I.isiden avenue, Wilinette, lias writ- lenu a story, -This Is Petra," scrial1- izd n aain~e f41n4 dsu'isng th S11111C nIer(ld irino»ith issiied ipt book. fori by J. B. I.ippiîzcatt. Mlrs. I)u»qaî iti as zwrilitt,i otiter na gazii' lites atirc but t/us is lier firsi book. She is secretary to the pre.ideit of tihe, Wilmèet ,tatc basik and has Iived ill.Wîiuniette .15 years. lisnea November Il iiiflook: orm bv . B. Lippincott. Trixe book- is. deélýcated to the aut1ior's daugbter. Patricia Alnn whbo is a student at NXcw Trier Hig-h school. "This- Is, Petra," iii form a fantasy. commences, -witb the simPlicity of a .story. written for children and- develops chap- ter by chapter very suhtly inio 'a senisi-. tive forin of aduit fiction. The veneer of the juiventile str>ry reniains on ýthe surface to the end, but undeniecath is a, current of deeper meaning and emo- tionial significance. St@vj Of AUnCh-Phan Petra vas a, nine-year-old, orplian i ail institution,oie of those plain litte gYirls tliat are flot adopted buhi k o- warcl with fear to the tirne %whc tt-(y shali he 14 and must go to the. tracte ber sia, fricnd ani was was tq apu a ,was lieriniake-, >arest Conmpanion, at on inagic trIpý orphianage aN what the zrýagjc *cripple boy. ;lie lMfl C as tearrIvai o S tePhen, ig three-year-olcl, whom Petra nti[ hais parents discoverhlis' s. In ber teixth ycar, at last, iese contacts, corne twvo o ffers n for Petra. SPetra" is a sketch of cbild- ed with pathos, imiai'inatin. WTiting. >xrthi veil> 1 Dfmani .bette-- wland'! in the fs-st Prix Fen