Il -you haven't bcim dvinking mik ..Try a' TALL ÇLASSthis week! TlnittIcph ire 1937 Award Int ernational Photo graplutr Salon. ward Harder,~ Charles Kerber, Jrome , This pla,. is set several dcd Mecklenberger, Robert A. Barnard, Fliezice 'in. a land ()f rçbbots. Thu~ James D. Neilson, and Dî~lor, scelnery, and costpmes x%%Ill 1)ui othv Davis. epg with 'thé spirit of tht îJ'la,, ts In this land. of robots. s4 1ome aruý Seriblerus, Club. Meets So ccinstructed as 10o have huma!, at Martha Harshaw Home inteli]gence and others hav-e o Members of the .ScrïIberus cçlub. mechanical ablTh.I e robots. re- group of undergraduatesý of New volt, killing 'off thtlhurnails iv l 0a-rt Trier High school interestcd in 'cre- i posse.s sion: of the secret tif 1thdrý ative riting, met Tuesday of last mauctr. Uftnt week at-the home of Nfartha jmauacue.inotuaelv 0 Harshaw. ,MAembers subtitted es- robot s, like, al! other mcie savs of the "fa miiliar" typ*e to be. ev n u l x ar o t Wi h h e rt judged and- they were urged by, Janie Io hir0fctr~lst h x Bigneli, co-editor ,'-f "Jnklings,* -stu-l 1 . detliterarv .publication,. to co termi.atio1 of the race xvaý,1 'n. tribute to that magazine. Miss Louise evitable.. Ihe solution. oi the pro!- G. Hamilton and Harrv C.ý Pifer are lem is brought about tlîrough th& r the faculty sponsors of the club. niance of two youn g'robots. Miss Elizabeth StaiiNwood is diict- fing the play, atýsistted bv M lj oil -RUDAl c Feîy. Robert , Harpér ai-l1,j >tdke crew are work-ing out tht tç. C*sand Mrs. Jane ,Ligtr .n Instructor Is Guest HE ÀA LT H at Student Meeting ______________________ tt r M ithtic reign lay t m11elit (0 New Tricr Tù%\rnshi1jSccýoo. dowu--tirel-, weighit - nervg appetite- sleep hose who are run- vorix out - under- uS - jittery - lost essness---are find- malt. food-drink rnlating and real- we have claimed jFrance and other historicallv inter- 1esting places ini thgt part of the ivorlil 1The club. ivhich dhis year had Le 100) nicnbers, has the folloming of - ficer? :Janc Penberthv. preident1 Margaret Stoetzel, programi chair- mxan; Betsy Wilson, secret ary-t rea> - urer. Miss Frances Brudiné s C faculty clumsor. Browu ar. yncro Aee, andi Ohisson