FOR WOM!N Rudueed slips at $1.65.,and $ Tailored and'lace trimmeéd styles in ~ikcrepe. Taffeta slips and petticoats in darker colors, black, navýy,. green, red, $1.35. 1-o-a e tWi-iiid-gown,$1.85. Printed 'lt scarfs, ascot style, at $1.25. Printed silk, %carfs, ascot style, $1-00 and $1.25* fland sewnI and over sean-if abrie glov'es in black and brown, 50c pair. Print tihaidke-cliefs with band rolled lien);19c eacb. FOR CHILDREN Flannelette pajamas, 75c and 95c. Not ail sizes in ail colors. Nursery figures and plain flannelette. Siz S 2, 4, 6. NIuslin slips. Muslin panties, 50t. 25c and 35c. Very fine muslin, embroidery end lace trim on smre. FOUR IMPORTANT greys and browns. Sizes 7 to 16, red1uced to $1.65. ,Also a line of knickers reduced to 50C. Boys' sweaters in sizes f rom 4 to 16. Assortè'd colors and patterns. A good value at 75.-00* I I NOVEMBER1 93,7 4-ý