BO UQUE1 D'OR SAY. "FRAGRANCE FOR DAT-VECAR" In six famons d'Orsay odeurs-Le' Dandy ... Duo ... Trophée ... Comtesse ... Gardenia ... Chypre. Bouquet d'Orsay isa master blend of a fanious d'Orsay periumn and d'Orsay Eau de Cologne-k mi. parts, to everything kt touches, the exqudisihe haunting fragrance of the precieus parfums d'Orsay.. Lyman Phcurmacy $u V&lu. city may - do se at thecofmce ot the, county clerk li the Countybuildinig, any day between December. 6 and Janarey 20, Mr. Davisadded., The new Illinois 'permanent:rcg-. istration law.requires every citizen to register before they may votelatthe regular elections. HAS OPEN flOUSE Miss Alice Harrison held' opeil house Saturday after the Nortbwest - ern-Notre Dame 'football 'game for sevýeràl Notre Dame, students and somie of the members of- the football team Who were visitipq on the north shore. Miss Harrison had as bier -houseguests over, the weeký-enid, two of lier' former classmates at St. Mary's college, Miss Patricia Fie- weeger and Miss Kiki Desloge, whio -aiMQ Mir. Raymiond, who has been 'a ew Trier Iigli silhool auditoriumn at resident of -Kenilworth for threc 8, o'clock,. lier topic Will bc,*"The, yeris a 'member,Ôof the law firin China Si tuation." tShe and lier soit of Poppenhusen, jobustoti, Tbom»P- Qetn~et'ô. Shanghai last sinm- son, and, Raymon-;d, and is a -mçmbc m ner for -a holiday and %verc tr;qpped, of the GlnView and the Xeniilworth al1ong wîth several thousand other clubs. He. is inarried and lbas three, foreigierS, in Ch1inla at the Pu;tlhreak children; of lhostilitie,;;with japain. The terni for whichi Mr. Raynio1d Harrowing, Experiences bias been inoinated -t"1ill xpre '1in er expert« ieCs vcre barrà%wig., April. 1941. She stoo(l itî a window on tie eifglli.îh _________________floor of la building aid- saw two- Invite f0 Thank boinib'sexplode, ini theriverlinuîd150' feet away, S'ending up> ~r f Observances at a t r wlicli rose hcrthiai thî St O hn's qhu rh r&ght iiits after she ai d Qu itin Thanksgiving Day will bc observed, left the, Cathîay biotel, six bonmh; icti at St. Johin's Luthierani church, Wilm 011 il.A delayin1 finding tlwir !car niette and Park avenues, ini a spe- was the 111.only nig whtch saveCd hern cial service begiiniig at 10 o'clock., Iront the bonibing of the Great \Vwiild Te Sndy shoolwiIt attndi aCircie. iroin whicil 37 ttàclk-oad, io body, and the eidren as well as' the drad wure laier reinoved. older muembers wilI bring tbank-offer- Mi-S. Roo.seveit xwill tell of ait* ings of fruit and cannied goods. These raids, ai-pline combat, .>4zmî iad *will be ta':cni to the Luthieran orphan the ter-ror oi natives and re!iugüeý homes ini Addison on Friday morn- in that precise, colorftil way. whicli ing. endears lier to audiences. Slie wil The Thanksgiving Day sermon wlll diescrib)e' lier escape frontî Shailghai bc based on the hynn, Nowv Tbank oit a rfgcjm tender throug-li We Ail Our God," written by Martin à liarbor' sprayed .witb. ant i-aireCraft -1R;.1ka,4 in 14. nIe2V the end of the fi ne. A nd: 2rriviiiu- iniMandla. lie holidaY W'w ,siay aitihonme-anu umore 1 reet. licreaifter voit il stav at Nfw. rs. Roosevelt, is hm ~ agaiti on Amnerican lecture plat forins whicre bier thrilling storv on, China is as welcoiue as have been lier s tories- t $6,, tbc PhIliilippiuies and Asiatic travel. tO $Hali-pricc fanuily sub.scriptions at $5 a iamily are available for the bal- ance of the New Trier Suindav Fve- ing Clili> scason1. T iiia.ý-bu ap- Guarant.od 5