bomd l .m f.y Pauty Record Book end amchIlmg c.vers for CblcageouW end pistue, r. <roes end poker clip belges. blttorsw..t. yefl. 1551 SHERMAN AVE. _____ ___ VANSTON Chlcago Ti'8ea Photo * dl 24 I :o oulaicq îos ith iuaenibershîpafqinost c» tireli J ripn Illet Norti, .idc-Ihe Chicago Rugby Club and the SV.Iy36 Servcl(11b lvoliiiteers-are activet' his îvetk making final pre>uaàiusîs for the' internatioinal rugby gante which îvil) bc played ait the Phel>, 11ed ofmiNeu Trier High sdwool, in, Whnula<, nex n 'd. i <Wvt'miber 28), cut 2:15 oclock. Thuis is ait eveflt, dit !àutcuine .,i which S;ui Ballard, (rnascot) B3ernard David will 'be iiwaiîëd ith Imach interest by- on rugb litns *hsoughiout thse Uited Second row, (left, to rigb<) Ifeivny States and Canada. G~ardner, Mimni Orr, $argery Nicot. The C'hicago Ruby club. with Peter J aies M.\cCrudden, Walter Kimbaill Fortune as its président, wiIl play the Third row, (left to right) Hamniltoni AHl Star LCanadians, a picked group of Reedy, Jon Irving, Alec Crawford'. players from the provinces of Ontario Leslie Mather, Robert Childs, Richiard' and Quebec. 'I'ie gaine was arranged Baldwin, Ted Wilder. a short tinie ago foliowing the inflicting Rear rowv, (left to rigbit) Nuel Mic- of a defeat on thse University of Torontqo Gratis. Patrick DôIan. Victor Harding, rugby teans by the Ch-icago squad. Jantes Smith, Peter Fortune.