It will pay you to lok into this particular salé Ouwr Etire Lino 0fe'ed at of lampa. Included in this group are maple and wrought irpn lampa. -Mafty-are only one of a kindi but there are over -100 lampa qto chôoos from. The. follôwing, are,a few of .the outsand-OF * Mapte boudolrandoc- CasIonal Jampa com- piete .w Luth ubade- 1,cegulal. l2à, l Wrought trou bridge lamps complote with shade finlahed la green or white. Reg- ularly $3.95, SZ.SS Maple reflector stu- dent bridge lamp complet. wlth shade, Regularly $9.95, 5*80 junior floor 1 a m p complete wlth shade, Beguiarly $9.95. 56.00 AtaUe eimney flngn' jý Maple bridge lampa complete wlth sa4e, Regularly $1.95. S1.29> Maple bridge lampi with table. Regular- Iy $19.95 ..... S Maple reflector.table Iamip complote with a h a d e. Regularly. 85.9........3.88 Wrougbt fron floor lamp complote wlth a h adoe. Regularly 1 I. - NOVEMBER 2,13 _ 1