apoi tig- Ile %% i . pz jaricular i (eie ax empliasized Uy put fortha programi of thecir "W11. In111 fssrTgwîi his hte,klc, - * the endl the Congruss mnay go aL!1~g \w0itbd~ra )'.ilt as a major part of theI>rsidnt n ti~pr<î>sd 'r' rai, is theu-trN that the Federal Coveriiiient but àt will Probably hbu(onl%- aft.-rur-;- 4hotîl<refori business and control cap- fuit.lexagilifiatit)tl of evcry îau~ ital- Roose'velt Recession, mî1nediately dteRoosevelt taix Pro- ,Thie decjine i)bsii-ý,ctivity and, graint was haiIed hy the m ar9s a ineé1rea 1seiiti;flAyfeit re;t :.'t: îIlis Imaster political stroke. It, Was represent- period kiowin as the k Rooscvet cdt&'- t to the people as he-iiîgkt tax .-)r large Sion), have eshakleu the pcpesiihl croain.TeV. were told that by thé New Dcal policies of the* ast five this prgrainh ewDa ascan yvcars. This grtowtitg.pbi etmeti ing sniaIl enterprises against their. reflected Ili the atitude 0*f theCf:r, large rivals-and the sinall marn against Dt:,MoXrafic ImLeImlerts knowv that Ud% tht' miillioiire. The 82 Repulicans aîad thecre is an iiptuirulu iibusiniess h4wf îlw the 1 Dur' crats who opiM,ýsed the ineastire next eiecti(m they wil have tio pkv the t' i thet'ilise constituted too ýsrall a cost ipubli d(isfavi .r ait the polîi, u-VOîce ni thieir efforts, to ,expiaitlitO ',fie Ing front the preset.t teniper U j , people that the tax, would do th- very gre 1ss. aimionis t(>stein the tecciî t' 'pOite ' ir'"'whiett le 253 Democrats the Admninistrationî leaders wiit expeýri- Said it Would accompILuh enice many heiadaches itrying t(> ke utPltclSatg its overrpji)i»g injority .froi. j jmiJ) A J 11w Prelnter¶tTe itre taÇ ir~-hetrce.showni. the New Deal, .viipath3 for the Wprnt Tax Revision Siliall corporatioins was -founded on po- Taxation revision was flot jncluli-i l i litical strategy rither than on Sud the Presideit's atnnouîît'ed przoi-aii f or ecoiinic principles. The uindi.-tril)uted the Special Session, luit it lia., be. >m profits tax has prcvented smnal! bfusi- the principal topic of ditusi>î Ec esse.s, which enipioy niost of ile vage- da3y the denand for ,iuî<hilicatio,:î<f i ' carners, f ronm expalcing and further de- undistrihutcd poh. tax gri.wý lou<lt'r. velopiuîg their adtivity. It las qoperated To th1is tax.alg wilth the fear-s aii in such a way as to pinch the snîill bur-i- uincertainties created by the- Admiiiils - ess and encourage 111onopohies. Rather trationi's finatncial î,oliie as a whi' , than reaching the reserves of larRe Le-or- j LECTURER ý I Sweaters and ýSki*rts!. Sofi as a snow drif t, warm as t/w. summe son.. the twwv sweaters on dis play ai, the College Shop may be had W, myriad shades! A nd best of. ail, you- can match your sweater choice in, a fia miel skirt' Whatever your favorite style it skirt or sweater, you'Il find it ai.. Gèlloge Shop. tive cnanneîs. It ii difficuit to) si'mplify anà l îu' M understandable -ternis theé method* by %vhich. any tax operates. But s--omehow it should be inade clear to our %v#rkters that the tildistributed profits tax bafs keen l)ectiliarly onerous on the groîving co-rnoratioand a.p layed a Urge part -U thé jn"