on the calendar for the mnembers of the Moman'g Club of WVil- 'nette Wednesday, December I It will ,brig the second of Mrs. .Qinicy Wright's lectures.; a talk, on >'"Wee Beinigs," by Mrs. Enmma Kidd 1-ulburt, and an ex- hibit of ber doils ; music by a for- iner resident of Wilmnette, Heleni Burt, and a lecture bI' fthc Chi- nese scbolar. Dr. No-Yýong Park. Mrs. John Donaldson is chairman of the civics department wb icb is presenting Mrs. Wright -in the course on events,în the worldtodv h speaks at 10:45 oclock. "Wee Beings' 7 as Mrs. Hulburt calis her dolls, have been collected over a perioil of years. Shie tells ,of item as "servants 'of iIurnanîty.- They vary greatly ini size and color- ing. Froni almost every land, thev are rich iin myste: y and racial ]ore. From the south seas she lias a dancer mnade entirely of seaweed. Its ams and bead are fashjoned fromi dried nodules of kelp. But earlv. American doils are Mrs. Hulburt's specialt%. Que of the latest additions to lier display is a one hundred and îwenty- year-old miss of: papier mnaché alid Kenilwortli, of which Mrs. V. C. Beebe is chairnian., wiIl present to the nîenibership as speaker on Tuesday, Decenîlber 30, Dr. Leonard Parr, special lectu'rer. in literatuire and draina at Ripon college. Born in England, Dr.- Parr bas, studied and traveled widcIv-iniirol)e and 'ibis couin- For this unique and increasingly popular presentation, "'An Afternoon ini the ýPiccadilly Book Shop," t10 be given at 2:30 o'clock at the Kenilworth club, Dr. Parr will use the full stage seting of a book shop. He promises bis audi- ence an encbanting visit to Bookianil, and reviews and comments on books, autos and personalities in thie, ok wvoiTd. SMrs. William Freudenreich. wiIl be liQstess for the tea following the lecture. The meeting of the Neighbors, De- cemiber 14, is in charge of the d&part- ment of home and education of which Mrs. J. A. Petersen is chairman. Edna Means, inonologuist and impersonator of national reputation, wvil1 give à Christmnas program of carols, tableaux, andl stories. burt, was the cause of the founding of Paie,, Iowa. A caravan waiting for the little "mnother" ho run back to * find ber doil that bad been lost froin a prairie schooner, becamie miredin i the mnud. MVen able ho move on- ward, the pioneers bail decided that ..an act of God" bas, stoppedti teni, so theY remained to found a settle- Mrs. Lorraine Crawford irs.Qinl-> tin),, is chairnian of ilie affair. . Those Inaking reservati 'on may notify elîlier MIrs. Crawford, Athber home, 0,321 ";or-h Mozart avenue, Chicago, or Miss Jean Upion. of 607, Washington avenue. club andi is .4p", On Club Pro grom, DeHaven Phote Mrs.. Quinftn Crawford. 0321 North ~Mozart ave Puie, Chica go, as serving as chairmpan of tw taxv dfflce of t/ais seasoa for lla' aoio aaxiliary of the N Woipa>'s Club of 1 tihiiette, wllich is tokin.y place ai the M1edi*aah Athielic club. Sot ir- day eening of this zveck. for îav;- iors anad their guests. Reports, Progrfim Ille Woniiar,'s guild of the Wiliettc Parisb Methodist cburcb ivili biold its nîonthly meeting on December 2. Sewing WILMIETTB LIFB -Or.qapi.rer anad director of the Theatèr Workshop, and vice-presi- denti of thle fv6asîon Drona club, which sponsors the îïorkshop, is' Ilope Sainers (AMrs.. Jo nies 14ilh- juniors . and Il