L inner.i parties to be given at the Oits It 11iber'dip qtîotà is imiiitedj ýCongr-ess, Precedinîg the supper <ance .t\.%it. 'Flice Kclilworth grotîp hcelps have »ftor hosts and hosteqses, r: Itmîr a %in te Uni Prk Ctin andMr. ustav Schwarz of Win- j i t. Setdg{'W 111a<1i lnstreet, i neklàM. n Mrs. Curtis BlIr cago. a station %vlliich costsap Woolfoik. and Mr. and, MNrs.. D. 1 . 1. IpoiitlSOOOc ert a Cinn of Evan ston ; r.and Mr, ainti.1lie. Kenihivorth group con. E. Worhir~gofl Wltcrsof Hihland iiiiig $4,fmW) of that aiout. Park. The înoney is raiscd by mnmerous Cockailparieswillbe ive 1wpartliC-. lanices, and the proceeds Cokti dprieundBVil ic irke fro h Jcand Jili shop located Mr. aîîd Mrs- by Mr. ini the> i-Iarthstone tea roomn in Hub- and Ms Richard Clintoît, and bl. a rd Wood,. AUl garmients, attractive andMs George Brauin of \\ii- thing, for bai>ies. are made by niera- mnette; b Mr. and Mrs. Cedric b)er.., oithte org,,anizationi. Smithî of Kenilworth. the" remainder -___ -____-___- ____-____-_ by Evanstonianls:lTe, Dale lMc- Cutcheonis, Mir. andt Mrs. Kennieth Thomîas.Mr. and -Mrs.> Keitb Capron. Mr. andi Nfrs. john Fix, 'Mr. an< Mn, R. M. Ilicke%,Nir. and Mrs.. *Earl lBurr. Mr. and NMrs. F-.liot *Ayéeott. '.\Ir. ad, r.R Schnetz. NIr.. and 'M1r s. Williami Martenrs. and NMr. anid Mrs. Knowlcs The chairnian of the aniual bencfit is Mfr,. Arthur C. King oi Evans- ton, witiî Mrs. Curtis B. W\O(bifollk of EVà11ston aind NIr,. SchwNarz. co- chairie n. M.Knowles HalIowcIlIof Eaw toi,i ticket chairmnan; Mrs. jolhn Titilv of \\7innletka, co-chiairinan Evan,ioni; N rs. ftlîott AvtIeIt anstoii, co-chairnian ; captR-ins., Richiard Gobie, 'Mrs. C. MI. B; gardner. M rs: Adelaide Alisoit. Mrs. Kenneiith Thomas. ali Evanl 4a1s, and I rs. Richard Clintdîî, Mette. Ntis. Jobti Brown-itg of i i is clhairnan oi decor.itioti-s'. A SPEC ýMILI ( IAL COLLECTION .INERY t i 5.00 soie );AklN bwi -- 41P-.