tendants in the wedding of '.Miss Martha' Farmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Far- mner,, 915 Elmwood avenue, atnd Dr. Gordon G. Chinnock, son'of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chinnock of Grand Rapids, Mich., which took place at '3-30 o'clock Saturday afternoon at, St. Francis Xavier church. Two large urns of white chrysantbenums' on cither side of the altar and a, fewv of the saine flowers on the altar itself carried out theautumn sctting for the ceremony A white satin gown made simply with a short train and a little shir- worn by the bride. A tulle veil was fastened to a Juliet cap with clus- tees of orange blossoms, and she carried an ail-white bouquet of car- nations, asters, and small pompons. Short puffed steeves, heart shaped necklines and very full skirts were selected for the style of the attend- ants' dresses. whicb were worn %vith hundre(I years old, brought troni Italy by the bride's parents, held4 tapers for the si mple home, Wedding ý ceremony of. Miss Mary1 Young,, dauglite-r of Mr. and Mrs.. William Victor N r)ung, 257 FEast Delaware place', Chi-, cago, and William.(Ir. Peacock, jrson of Mr. and Mlrs. William, G. Pcacock of 128 Sixth st.reet, whiclh took place at 8 o'clock, Saitirday evening. The ceremonyý, was perforancd be- fore an altar forrned of. palms, liles and rôses, theý couple rýepeatinig their vows at a White satin pri.c-dIieu., Fol- lowing the ceremnony. a receptioni also was held at the home of the bride', The bride was dressed 1 11 a %viit(y brocade gown sinply made witli Aight-fitting bodicc, a train and !ôngL sîceves. A tulle veil edged in lheir- loomi lace %vhich liad been In tthe faniily several gencrations. andà bouquet of camiellias and lil1c> (f t1ic valiey conipfleted her suxi.Shu wore a string of peark s, tarted for lier as a child b3, lier iatliwr ami coniflete(I ou lier weddiug dy of sinau rust pomporis. and NI155 held I her head wvith a coropiet aios Idier a bouquet of gold Mpopos. and Mies offthe î-ai1ei'. Site and hl' Wbhite chrysanthemnus, and yel- .ide of C'hicago. low and rust pomponis also. werc used for decorations at Sbaivie.e Country club wherc a reception %va, held follovingi the cereinonv. 0f- Engagement Announced ficiating at the cercmonv was flic Rev. Hubert Bosen of the Churcli of af T.. fin Winnefk, the Guardian Anzel ini Chicago. a1 <' !~i Erickson-Beu d a tulle 'veil "'bouquet, ul alic d whjite roe oqe of purpie violets. fi lier~ on lte soiflh lair %vas a coronet of tire saine flowers. Raymiond lekes served Mr, Peacock as best maiti Mrs. Peacock, inother o.f the bride- grooi i, was dressed in dleep bitte. >ddinq apphire crepe with a corsage of white orclids, Mlile Mrs. Young. '27 niother of the bride, chose pale grcy * l)rocade ai. a spray of lavender i. at ber nIir- orchids. WILMBTTE LIF19