Lawsoll HI. Dt f67 ad iiL h and a pantry shelf shower at which MLUs road, ý\innetka. The ceremonv., Nl X irginia Le Ihi a Robert MacTean, 2900 Lake aventie. rea hytheRvv E.Ashey er-dosen Saturday,. january, 15, for br- was hostess Saturdaynht rea b enher.L shlC(Ider-day. At, that time -she vilyIigt hard before 0f tes. he 0wo ecomne the bride of Charles Riggs I fanijiies, was fo1Iowe d hy a smnall Sprovl of Evanston,ý son of Mr. and_____ Mirs. Chartes:Orr Sprowl of'Lansing.ý, recept ion. Mc.Teafo Pris W oen, With hier *White, satin l)criod gown. the bride wore a tlevi of ýfinger- Ms hoa oer iglsot At Shawne Country club Tuesday ti lnghand cridabuut Of Shaker Heights, Cleveland, Ohio, afternoon, Noveniber 30, from 3 t wh t oe n w< es le 1 1« attend ber sister as inatron, of -'lcthe Rev. Martin D. mc onl atenant, Mes. JoliiiIIllo«av hor. James Allen Sprqwl ôf Hub- Namrpatrof St. Francis Xavier of E anstôi te former Jalci)cD- Ibard Voodswill serve .as hest m' chùtchb,assisted by the Rev. John 'J. meto- Knloth of ar.1 or his brothier. O'Mara, wilI be host at a tea in honor mooet of enilrtac aulitorco thapriros s, colredslipersatn pcriod' dres. Miss Gralian 1i s t he auhtr of the womnenofteprswha- and carried roses to'nmatch lber gown. i the Francis -Stevens Grahianis, whose sisted in the preparations for the ré-, Sam'Roekw,.ell of \Viinnctka Im isn Gle ncoe, I)ut who havec cent H-allowe'en party whichwas a Mr. Date's best niai . be edn h ps w cr i plendid success, socially, and finan- The weddinig guc>tsi incititeed th C anlapartnict 1:1 iEvA;n sto1. ,cially. I EDGR A SEVENSh 1. 624 Orringlon Ave.8 Ev,,)ston