ïu w(rt n. Vv netka, atn< I(;encoc are now commlencing coopera- tive wor.1 on 'a grou;) of two' operas .to lie1resenited on, the north shore tlus iner111(er the spotI;sorsh-ýip) of the' aluinuae and. active groups of Phi Mu-1 *Ganmma. the Allied Arts society. The Jroceeds ivili go towards scholarships i one or more of the five allied arte. * The perfor.mances ivili be a cr eat.. ive activityas far as the'chljdreni are concerlied for froin the fairv talcs of "J ack and the Beailstalk," and, -Hail- sel .and Gretel", thcy will -devise, * their own dlialogue, scores, and.. ut so far as piossible, their own datîces for the. operas. Assistngthe e dwtlrèjvand iliging the principal roles wpl I e Maria Matyas, who app)eaeLIast- season with the Mectropolitan Opera coin- pany in Newv York, and this vear is, siniging mith the Chicago Citv Opera conlpatny. Suie is known1 particularlv for her "Tom boy" roles and lier, contralto voice is adrniraly suite(l 10 such characters. Saturdav afternoon) of this wcek she lias lte part of the * shepherd in "Taiithauser" witlî tht. Lag-, ilanKsgvin v, iv~II im ct I Larson, editor of: ap and Gown, the a fimao n *animal ear book, and Ralpli Leachi, îation-wide 1) a t r o ni a g e, ant- president of the Itcrfraterilitvt7oti- - nOtunceS tlue irst big, diIiier of cil. Mfiss Boothis. presidentof Initer- Hile c<I itelliii.al. ve. r 1)cubr Clul) councîl, anid Misq l3rcilan :10 A recel 1)t ion at 6 :30 o')clock chairman-of: the Vomeli's fdrt of the Uni.versity of Chicago. ~ i11 follow%%ed h v dimnne rat 7, T'le ball vas lîeld Tha,îkIsgivýi g.lOtliCe>its 'takýitg la-cein thie *eve, at the Lake. Shorc. Athletic Clxii Red Lacquer room oi,(f thelilî *ni Chicago. erJIDmse. Ruth rvan OwIl Mr. and Mrs. Siierîiàl Naît (-t.-1 (.)cr and the',parents.of the otiierledr o c.a omrsteît f Were.arnoig the Patronls. ;Motiticcl. wilf lw t'ie lor Maleohn IBalfour Plioto ilmemlber of the conit tee i wi fiatitore of the annual large pa;Irki of the Kcuilworth: ccU-er, of the Infan&t 14' dfarcSocicty cof Chicago, is .lrS. Willia,». R. Fowlcr, fi-., of Il imiwka. Thie event, li»ied the -lei..Ip , lakes place Sturteda ý-, 'Ci»iinql, Iecembe'r 4, at the Co;î- !1rcxs hotel. D. A. R. Reacfng' Groups List Programs Mrs. C. R.Xnrc-, 7< glucst and(- speaker of, the evu- ninig. 'Pres. (;Cor&lec I U-iniRdr blo glî. I . .. il i)j(-e t < The, recel)tionI prece<(litng the 'iîu vil gPive nwnibcrersiti as 'a ' ail O il a n o p p r t u i t y t% o m et M s. I' <) 1 rthe imorning of Thutrs- l)er 2. Slie will 1be as- rs. F'railk M. Conirie of 1 Ed Reading- Group -%vill sanie hour Deccleiber3. of NIrs. H-enry E. Rog- Ml~xy IVîoîticcll<> xI:iiî,iae frot in l1 "ver thîe state of Illiliois and ni-10b' r- ing. tates Nvill attend Ilhe limier. Somne of the associations of other cities are niaking Uip parties to 1* iii Cliiaoi that ti mie. a. tý Marjorie Schoppe Crouicli, 'M. S. S., assistant to the president, anjdlc i he in- bers of the board of trustees of Mon- ticello: college will attend tlie Cetintinnial cenerJ, the nortn shore protuc- tionl is beiing postponed unItil some. time iii Januaryr and will be followè<I shortly by "Jack and the Bean- stalk." The place of the operas is to be announced ini the near future. Co-chairmien of the project, repre- senting Phi Mu Epsilon, are 'Mrs. Forest Lamont of Chicago and NMrs. F. W. Mueller, Jr., of Evanston. c2lce(tb%, the I uniior . nd ei4 grotips of the XVHiln-i iauc chalp- or of Childrcn of" the .Anerickf) Revolution, an olcer uroup of youw. peopfle, calling theinselves the Siupe:r:. Vends Cigarettes Seniors.lias asked 1permissioni to <or- ganize witlinthe chapter. Ili responise to this demlalid, M Thomnas C. Gray, 2143 -iiucoliloo(î lk 1 ex-officjo, Godfrey, 111. Mon)Iticcello college wals foilnded I>' Capt. Benjamin Godfrey in 18.35 andi the first enrollnicîit %%as ini 18.38. Moit- ticello ivas the first scho<>l f 'r. w iic iii the ildlc West. Monticello college is celebrating its.centennial this year. 48 WIfLMETTiE LI1F E