Knight disclo,,ed mat lus tast ilotsY wflOvoititevre t o naie P schedule ligbt markcd completion of CbltitloUS .,day and îight fight bis cigbtcen thousaiidth houir of o- across. the continenît to prove that if ficially : logged tlying tiîne. Coinl- the gov-ernulieit W'ould ,niake the ap- cidentally, the lasi trip as *a non- )r<)priati(>ns to pti1th)vrd' is stop) sleeper schedule froin evr iw liglhtingsysten1, air mail. to Chicago, tilt-division over which %vould serveýa, more tîseful purpose. Kuiiglît sixteen years ago -made a 1 tf rIl to igt lot to drawv the, famnous air mail flight, whichi made night. portion -of tue trip from Chi- hiia national htro. c Iagc),,ai(le(loriy by bonifires whichf EWisted In Aurmy. farniers Nwcre asked to build along the He enlisted in the air service o f 'the routve. The day wa.ý sav~ed for air U. S. Armny in .1917, and leartied to flv mail Cmigress miale the appropria- at Ellington Field, Texas," lie ti- tin,.atnd thle York-San Fran- came instruçtor of acrobaties there. cisieo airwvaV becaini the first lighted After the A rmisticé, Knliglit took an and iniproved airwayv in the world. enigineering joh, in, Chicago. but owc This lh, made six years before day in 1919 some planes 1kew over Colonc[l Liidbergh.*flé%' the. Atlantic the city's- loop. The urge wvas toolôcean, 1)rou ght Kight international stronig. and he decjded to return to prominence over night. f1ying. . When Uni.ted .Air Uines took over mA.. ..rlv historv for fctheor>ration of the route _in 1927, Knight known thi. lit oined the U. S. air irom, wich e retird this week. IGLENCOE TOTS VISIT AIRPORT Christmas gifi férihomseoso (Ace' Purifie$sma dhumid- ifii. the. ai. Proeuveà the furniture. No water eouinectiofl U0cpmer. 18%Ju ptmag in liglt Scke. Suait k motor circulas"fl water Over r.-- .. -.ctde lump. Price.Si15.00 to S35.00- C«»stui factory for demomiatale. SUEIOR I WJhy be vithont 011l Heu. We Ju-tait Our Suteino Oit Bumner compiOte With 375 galion Oit tank I» jour houefor6140.00. Cuaranued m r. Phonue Graretauud S1UU Jewel UI.cfrlc a& Wge. Col 4311 RamtUuwemd AvPBU' rileg Uromu WILLIAM H