p4RIZK DR., KENILWORT11. FACINO(- $35.000 hom1es. 50 ft., bIute'book says, $j,OO6L--ofly $2,750. Keniilworth 5540. 'h;N21-f LTAKE COUNTY JUST WEST OF 1HH)- land Park in the Milwaukee Ave, district along the Des- planes river and south> of LibertyVille la this interesting tract of 337 acres, bordering the river and eut by ýIndiatn Creet<. 2 sets of farmn buildings, 1 farmn home wlth excellent Unes and surrounded by ,larg*- shade trees would lend'lt."lt' to remodeling. Dark brown sult loani soit willt producée ,xocI- lent erops. Clowe tot iup'r tation in an est&îblistilu4-eal i -Section,.es*ial prired f.'u. this l(oets>bin. unk sIlis .-i nt ant excellent offering at $165o per WVYATT rr& 'MONS M'tukga;î. Roadilei*t' 3 NORTpH11113RO( K 18 ACRES NWITH 0I>)îltullAiIU ove-rld)ckinig Ds#li.sHvrVal. ey. Imîroved with S r.kom shIiglc houist, 4 b11r1ms bie~~tles, . it water hei ,. lectriv llghis.. lrict 1,50 Saniuel ?IcN;th Cinphell 'qVAL I4KIN COAT. $5. BLVE TWEED) ('OAT, *-3. V, ANTIQUE, CHAIRS, IWbOK SFIELVES,'. fOVND TABlLE. ;s;» <MWARD LANÉ ;WI-NX---33ý2. !3OYs CAMPUS, COAT. AWt. sizm '2; gtsyl*.ql.br lmp;:table amp : tel. table,, it chair. Ianip table. Wil,.1-132. >Î73LTN29-Iti ili4>K . IVATE LIBRARY. STAN-X) ard %vorks as K in.Twain. êe.. 1,'eIe, Dedton htalls, eall 1Holly- ourt 62D~. No denler. 173L29-l.tl 174' wTDo. TO suiY--MCLLtICOUS Iiîîk Dealer Golimai WILLBy yýOLR 13BOOKS, MA(A.- zii.s.Iîî~s.rags, fiarnittare and pay glianrket prioeq. Cail i I. S426 or- Wil. 4s1. 17 4LTN2-d-4tp b( WE IL IYyotItRBO01S. Af'8 E prfivait- libraries. WIU cait. Wilinette 3214. HoIyf Comnforter Guilds a WiIIl Meet Next MondayN The six guilds of thec \Voman', auxiiary of the Chur-ch of the Holv q conrnorter wilI hoId their regular li F. Donald Prisbie, memiber of the social siudiâdearmePho ew Tis IJigh school, and Mrs. Marlait Cotton, head of thse music delarment of the. se4qoo, wilI joisitly conduci <a tour of lRurope for a gros> of hijgh s hool stud.'nts nex.t suinutr.il u:as annoüncedl this icéek. Mr. Fr ýoys of .Urope cars, b bat a tr viil go. SIt will Dtristi icj bias taken a animber of lgh school aue on visitç to be inffle than the ordinarv rip,, Mr. Frisbie explained. than the usual Ihigh spots" Wilmette Girls -P1edged at N. U. tuàents' from Wilmnette have dged to social sororities at stemn tniversity. Three-bun- ,nty-one students, most of them iwere pledoee to ,eighteen sor- Tht, cres m-ith vcree4k.. hvwlsetePai -ecently pmiîîtcd t'HiId with MN-rs. ThIomlas Wrighit, . Il;Te vl seter tIi h~xatais,.Fuler jnewhich is to be completec k use~impIe- -imetv.. id ~wilI -pend Bastilé available if de- MNrs. Robert 0. Law, 323 Ketîi cîtv. ound week-ends; worth avenule. Keniilworth, wiII br Tersa nFac ý00, Write ..w ner, ilostess to the Chase guitd, and Mrs 1Iowe bsy ~tintoFrance 112, Barrauat..fl, oe yati oSi 23-R-2. Roy Pavlik. 604 Exnîuor road, Ken- - -t it , wiII be l61.N2~2h>ilworth. will entertaiti the îîwelCrF ___te__________ild supervsion of the Americ; of th MèIarcn uildcommittee. with which- ,d next year 1Iy l day in the; High s5< IElizal wiIl be foi- Kappa rland. Their j by the !unfiAr -the ajidis1 IJJIne j ore iun te Doering1 3 u i